If the warm, I'd ingetnya play time to the town of Pekalongan. There food was really salty average. Instead of speculation, finally agreed to search for food on a typical Yogya aja. Uh ... apparently there are warm jogja in Pekalongan. But opposition gudegnya tumon ... It is also very salty. Wealah ... hire dab, gene ... But yo salty ngene base hungry, went in too salty. Hehehe ...
It's a warm name, synonymous with the sweet taste. Although now because it follows the tastes of tourists and migrants, the sweetness is not kebangeten kok ....!
If in the morning, in the corners of the city found many baskets of warm jogja. But if I really want to 24 hours, yes in the area Wijilan center. Plaza east of the north, into the Plengkung d'Ivoire, it was already entered Wijilan. But the price is the price jakarta lho ....! Hehehe.
Wah wah, actually it's food or not Jogja ya? His name is not the name of kok like Java, but tend to China, made the name of ethnicity, a kind of meatball, also bakmoy.
Dunno how its history, but whose contents Kumbu food is indeed delicious green bean. And now it has been heavily modified, there are dry and some wet.
It's easy in Yogya ndapetin bakpia, have in store souvenirs. On the road if you want to Mataram Tugu Station from the south. Also on the road if you want to Solo Adisucipto Airport.
But once there is a famous brand bakpia sudden sales slump, because the issue of a cooking-oil pake pigs. But finally hit again, do not wong kok pake pig oil. There's my acquaintances who work there the story if it was just a rumor.
Well, for the basic-Yangko now for the basic taste, taste of fruits. Yogya cuisine is essentially material and box-shaped glutinous rice wrapped in thin paper was originally from the area Kotagede, silver-producing areas.
Nice ...! Yes Ndapetinnya souvenir shop as well. Easy ...!
This nih delicious food from Bantul regency, Yogyakarta province also signed. Anyway, just a sweet taste and sweet. Indeed there are innovations to make sense of a diverse, but what I sense the sweet taste dominant tetep yes ... ...!
This food is made from principal of shredded coconut. Continue contrived round or oval-round. Originally used to taste the sweetness of sugar pake java. But now the hard kok pake ya find the sweetness of sugar Java ....
In the store souvenirs are usually placed at the front glass, pile-pile and flat color ... hehehe ... ..
Wow, that's hard to explain pronunciation cuisine West Progo this district. Butthead ... ..!!! Hehehehe .... The letter "e" the first reading as an "e" in the word "explain" (origin of "e" which in the word "explain" not spoken with ya ... lho Batak accent !!!).
Well, the letter "e" are the two on Butthead said, pronouncing the "e" is equal to the pronunciation of "e" in the English word "black".
So should we write is "ge-" black ".
Food is just typical Kulonprogo districts in the city Wates, Kulon Progo district capital, the province of Yogyakarta Special Region.
With this private vehicles to Bandung / Jakarta through the south route, go through the City Wates. Sempatin nyari ge-ya ... this black. Hehehe ... tasty ...! Soft ....! Delicious ....!
Tiwul and Gathot.
Hahaha ... ... .., if this sort of food typical of Yogyakarta, temen-temen the people of Yogya city in protest, and gathot tiwul this is not a typical food of Yogya, the symbol of this food woes. Well how come?
This Gathot Tiwul and typical foods of Gunung Kidul Regency, Yogyakarta provincial districts in the region dry and barren. Originally this dish is an alternative staple food after rice. But Gunungkidul own population average is "nggaya" tiwul not done anymore. In fact if you want to go back to tiwul, maemnya pake vegetable green chilies, well ... fresh ....! Rice can be sold to outside aja ....
This food is made from cassava (manioc) is dried, is called by the name of the famous: "dried".
Dried cassava is then processed into tiwul Gunungkidul.
There is a curious want tried, his nyari yes Wonosari just in town, ready stock in her shop Mbok Tum. Durability is also why, that's just not durable grated coconut. But you've been following tiwulnya taste for souvenirs, have not tiwul its original form which dimaemnya pake tiwul Gunungkidul vegetables .. Tiwul by-by at his stall Mbok Tum was contrived like mountains, packed in besek. Something sweet and something savory. Want to try?
There are many other special food of Yogyakarta, there is a dent, there growol, .... Connect again sometime ... .!!!! :)