Jumat, 04 Juni 2010

Bone Sate nyamm .. yum ..

Bone Sate typical Banjarmasin is served with a different flavor with other sate seasoning. Satay sauce, seasoning sauce is mixed with a sense of sweet, sour and spicy to make it very distinctive and unique. And the sauces are not mixed with satenya, but placed in separate dishes. So, stay dipped skewers with marinade as they pleased.

Once bitten, yum ... ... new nyamm deh felt the bones of the chicken meat. So, we need a little effort to separate the meat from the bones. But that is where lies its uniqueness. This bone satay chicken is cooked from the back of the young, with about one month of age.

Unique right? Cobain deh Bone Sate is typical Banjarmasin.

Sate of Bone and Soto Banjar Eldorado (Special branch)
Jl. Boulevard Raya Blok 2 No. 9 TN
Kelapa Gading Permai
North Jakarta


Bone Sate Rp.26.000/porsi

Bone Sate nyamm .. yum ..

Bone Sate typical Banjarmasin is served with a different flavor with other sate seasoning. Satay sauce, seasoning sauce is mixed with a sense of sweet, sour and spicy to make it very distinctive and unique. And the sauces are not mixed with satenya, but placed in separate dishes. So, stay dipped skewers with marinade as they pleased.

Once bitten, yum ... ... new nyamm deh felt the bones of the chicken meat. So, we need a little effort to separate the meat from the bones. But that is where lies its uniqueness. This bone satay chicken is cooked from the back of the young, with about one month of age.

Unique right? Cobain deh Bone Sate is typical Banjarmasin.

Sate of Bone and Soto Banjar Eldorado (Special branch)
Jl. Boulevard Raya Blok 2 No. 9 TN
Kelapa Gading Permai
North Jakarta


Bone Sate Rp.26.000/porsi

Rabu, 15 Juli 2009

wingko babat

Wingko or often also called Wingko is a traditional Indonesian food. Wingko is a kind of cake made from coconut and other ingredients. Wingko is very famous in the north coast of Java island. This cake is often sold on railway stations, bus stations or in-store bakery. On the island of Java, wingko also often presents for the family, who made this famous cake.

Wingko usually circular and somewhat hard, and usually served in warm and cut into small pieces. Wingko can be sold in the form of large round or also in the form of little cakes wrapped in paper. The combination of sugar and coconut to make this delicious cake. Price of this cake may vary depending on where this wingko sell and brand.

The most famous wingko made in Semarang. This causes a lot of people who think that wingko also originated from this city. However, actually comes from wingko tripe Tripe. This is a small area in Lamongan, East Java. Tripe is located near the Bojonegoro, East Java, which is famous for its wood and because of newly discovered oil resources in this area.

In Tripe, which is a small town compared to Semarang, wingko has an important role for economic growth in this area. There are many companies producing wingko which employs many people. Coconut is used for this wingko material taken from areas around the place.

Currently wingko is famous makanam Tripe and Semarang with different brands and huge sale. Many wingko which currently still uses the name hard.


Senin, 13 Juli 2009

lunpia semarang

In Semarang today there are five "stream" lumpia Semarang with different tastes. First flow of Gang Lombok (Siem Swie Kiem), both flow Street Youth (deceased Siem Swie Hie), and third flow Jalan Mataram (deceased Siem Hwa Nio). Third, this style is derived from one family Sing-Gwan Siem Tjoa Nio Po which is a single-in-law and daughter of the creator of lumpia Semarang, Tjoa Thay-Wasih Yoe.

The fourth stream is the number of former employees of Street Youth spring rolls, and the fifth was the flow of people with backgrounds culinary hobby that makes spring rolls with the learning outcomes of the spring roll recipe that has been circulating.

Currently the oldest generation, ie third generation Siem Swie Kiem (68), remained faithful to serve its customers at a kiosk patrimony (Siem Gwan Sing) in Gang Lombok 11. Privileged Lumpia Gang Lombok, according to a number of fans who had met at a kiosk is compounded rebungnya odorless, also a mixture of eggs and shrimp is not fishy.

The fourth-generation artificial spring rolls can be obtained at the kiosk lumpia Siem Siok aka Mbak Lien Lien (43) in Street Youth and Road Pandanaran. Mbak Lien kiosks continue his late father, Siem Swie Hie, who was the brother of Siem Swie Kiem, in Street Youth (Grajen Gang mouth) as he opened two branches in Jalan Pandanaran.

Mbak Lien lumpia this distinctiveness is its contents is added chicken meat concoction. When beginning to continue the business his late father, Mbak Lien makes three kinds of spring rolls, ie the contents of the shrimp spring rolls, chicken spring rolls contents (for an allergy shrimp), and contains a special spring rolls of shrimp and chicken mixture. But, because they feel much less hassle and most buyers like the special, now Mbak Lien only make one kind only, that is special to the content of bamboo shoots spring rolls of shrimp and chicken mixed.

The other fourth generation, namely the children of the deceased Siem Hwa Nio (older sister of Siem Swie Kiem) to continue his mother's stall in Jalan Mataram (Jalan MT Haryono) in addition to opening new kiosks in several places in the city of Semarang. Among the deceased children of Siem Hwa Nio have also opened branches in Jakarta. There are even grandson of the late Siem Nio Hwa as the fifth generation to open their own shop in Semarang Lumpia.

In addition to families ancestral creator lumpia semarang, now many people "outside" that make lumpia semarang. They are generally former employees. Those who have also helped to enliven the culinary hobby business to make lumpia lumpia semarang own, like Lumpia Express, Phoa Kiem Hwa from Semarang International Family and Garden Restaurant in Jalan Gajah Mada University, Semarang.

Price sold lumpia these traders vary. Lumpia Gang Lombok's Kiosk Siem Swie Kiem, for example, sells at a price of Rp 6,000 per seed (fry / wet). Youth Street's Kiosk Mbak Lien selling price of Rp 5500 per seed. While other merchants selling spring rolls with a price of about Rp 2,500 per seed.


Sabtu, 11 Juli 2009

Coastal Food Jingking dent Bantul

A friend asked - Do you remember the dent jingking? - Yes, dent (peanut brittle) coastal cuisine in Bantul, Yogyakarta. Simbok-dent jingking simbok these vendors can be easily found if you visit Parangtritis, Parangkusumo Beach, Pantai Depok to Pantai Samas.

Matter of taste, certainly crunchy like other types of dent. I myself have forgotten the last time I ate jingking dent. If visiting the beach is usually as an amateur photographer, recording an activity such as Celebration Melasti ago. Coastal cuisine rarely buy it, but the activity did not escape jingking dent vendors from shooting my camera.

Then, if jingking it? citing an article:

Jingking is the kind of animals (hexapoda) who live on the sandy beach. Local sources said that the shore crab jingking is a child or a baby crab that the new body-sized quantities of green beans. So, when the animal was fried in batter dent dent his form was like soybeans. While the retreat is a retreat-type animals crustaceans which also includes hexapoda with the body of your thumb. These animals had a somewhat hard skin on the back like a crab. But this savory meat-and-white animals such as red meat or crab already. Flavor of meat from these animals are also tasty and slightly chewy (just the meat of shrimp). Usually withdraw-withdraw processed in a way made peanut brittle, nutty fried onions, or dioseng-oseng. Retreat-retreat can be processed without a meal because of its relatively large compared jingking of only green beans. So the retreat-like retreat can be fried cashew nuts loose or peanuts.

You want to try the taste dent jingking? Take the time, trips to the beach south of Bantul, Yogyakarta.


Kamis, 09 Juli 2009

Istana Raja Kobra

Ular Piton Goreng
Sop Biawak
Sate Kalong

Hearing the name of the snake we've shuddered. Jump dong imagine a way as snakes 'annoying'. Scaly skin, evil-looking face, buzzed, then writhed again! Hhh .. amused ... But do not judge a book by its cover! Snake is bad, but it feels? Hmm .. Not necessarily!

Yes! Adventure this time we tasted the Palace of King Kobra Restaurant located in the numbers Tendean, South Jakarta. Adventure this time more special, because team-icip.com icip accompanied by two men who were lucky! Ciwil and Irpunk willing to accept the challenge to taste the dishes of snakes and her friends!

The location of the tiny restaurant is tucked. Sometimes people like to do if there is a restaurant ngeh snake in there! Not just present the herb medicine of the snake, but also dishes of snakes! Once in front of the restaurant, somewhat shrunken guts actually see the restaurant signboard signpost. Pictures of snakes, monkeys, bats, and several other reptilian species is enough to make us weak. However, it has been in front of the restaurant, a period of not turning away?

Adventure continues. We went in and sat down. Looking at the food menu lists only have time to make us breathless. Food menu offered no abon snakes and lizards. For there fried cobras, pythons, monitor lizards, monkeys and bats. There sate sate for snakes, lizards, monkeys and bats. While the soup is soup for snakes, lizards, Korea and Taiwan.

Confused want to eat what we finally decided to eat fried python, satay bats, and lizards soup. The restaurant itself recommends that we tasted a python than a cobra, because the meat is thicker. While for the other menus, each having its own distinctive taste. So either it feels good, so he said.

While waiting for the order, we can smell the meat (python), which are fried. Such as the fragrant scent of fried chicken. Hmm, seems more or less the same flavor racikannya. Having served ... then ... .. it tasted more or less feels a bit like chicken. Texture of the meat was tender, not tough, and like chicken! But the difference, in the flesh there is a python small bones. Python is served with sambal fried. It was quite delicious and tasty!

Then, Sop Lizard. Hmm .. actually remember biawaknya alone makes appetite to fly. But when her soup was served, description of lizard in the head just disappear! Tetelan looks like a regular beef in soup-stew. Contents sopnya quite simple. Monitor lizard meat cuts accompanied by a sprinkling of green onion and fried onions. Meatball soup broth-like flavor. Taste the meat taste like fish. Overall, it was also quite tasty and savory.

Then, Sate bats. Glance looks like a satay skewers of chicken or beef. Flesh color is more a bit dark. This bat was served with satay sauce flavor (with a piece of garlic and cayenne pepper) or with peanut flavor. Then it? Less is more textured meat such as beef, but there is a similar taste like meat-like chicken liver. Hmm .. maybe like a combination of both. Forms such as beef, taste like chicken liver. Eh, but it's also okay! If a third of your supplies, which is the most delicious satay bats.

For other menus, in general, does the same with the other menus. However, for Sop menu Korea and Taiwan, both are just a sauce that contains juices / broth snake meat. However, the sauce is thicker than earlier Lizard Soup.
Range of food prices here range from Rp. 15,000 - Rp. 40 000. Drinks are available only softdrink and beer prices range from Rp. 3000 - Rp. 18 000. To abon snake, sold by the jar that cost Rp. 40 000.

Not only the food menu is offered, but there is also a snake bile blood potions. Snake had all sorts of starting the Black Cobra, Lanang Cattle, Kali Prey, Stripe, Green Snake, Snake Land, python, until King Cobra Snake. Reputedly powerful healing properties of various diseases, such as skin diseases, gout, asthma, cough, allergy, ulcer, diabetes, liver, rheumatism, and so forth. Want a combination of blood from several snake bile can too. Or want to select a wine potion? Can too. If you're seeing here, please consult your first day will be recommended to drink a certain potion by the rules. Do not forget to obey the rules so his usefulness really feels!

Palace of the King Cobra with a seating capacity of approximately 20 seats, open every day from 09.00 - 21.00. While waiting for the food, you also may see the snakes that are in cages in a special room. If fear of damaging your appetite, a better look at the snake would have to wait after a meal. Not bad, there's free entertainment like in the Zoo!

Selasa, 07 Juli 2009

Aneka Food Yogyakarta


If the warm, I'd ingetnya play time to the town of Pekalongan. There food was really salty average. Instead of speculation, finally agreed to search for food on a typical Yogya aja. Uh ... apparently there are warm jogja in Pekalongan. But opposition gudegnya tumon ... It is also very salty. Wealah ... hire dab, gene ... But yo salty ngene base hungry, went in too salty. Hehehe ...

It's a warm name, synonymous with the sweet taste. Although now because it follows the tastes of tourists and migrants, the sweetness is not kebangeten kok ....!

If in the morning, in the corners of the city found many baskets of warm jogja. But if I really want to 24 hours, yes in the area Wijilan center. Plaza east of the north, into the Plengkung d'Ivoire, it was already entered Wijilan. But the price is the price jakarta lho ....! Hehehe.


Wah wah, actually it's food or not Jogja ya? His name is not the name of kok like Java, but tend to China, made the name of ethnicity, a kind of meatball, also bakmoy.
Dunno how its history, but whose contents Kumbu food is indeed delicious green bean. And now it has been heavily modified, there are dry and some wet.

It's easy in Yogya ndapetin bakpia, have in store souvenirs. On the road if you want to Mataram Tugu Station from the south. Also on the road if you want to Solo Adisucipto Airport.

But once there is a famous brand bakpia sudden sales slump, because the issue of a cooking-oil pake pigs. But finally hit again, do not wong kok pake pig oil. There's my acquaintances who work there the story if it was just a rumor.


Well, for the basic-Yangko now for the basic taste, taste of fruits. Yogya cuisine is essentially material and box-shaped glutinous rice wrapped in thin paper was originally from the area Kotagede, silver-producing areas.
Nice ...! Yes Ndapetinnya souvenir shop as well. Easy ...!


This nih delicious food from Bantul regency, Yogyakarta province also signed. Anyway, just a sweet taste and sweet. Indeed there are innovations to make sense of a diverse, but what I sense the sweet taste dominant tetep yes ... ...!
This food is made from principal of shredded coconut. Continue contrived round or oval-round. Originally used to taste the sweetness of sugar pake java. But now the hard kok pake ya find the sweetness of sugar Java ....

In the store souvenirs are usually placed at the front glass, pile-pile and flat color ... hehehe ... ..


Wow, that's hard to explain pronunciation cuisine West Progo this district. Butthead ... ..!!! Hehehehe .... The letter "e" the first reading as an "e" in the word "explain" (origin of "e" which in the word "explain" not spoken with ya ... lho Batak accent !!!).
Well, the letter "e" are the two on Butthead said, pronouncing the "e" is equal to the pronunciation of "e" in the English word "black".
So should we write is "ge-" black ".

Food is just typical Kulonprogo districts in the city Wates, Kulon Progo district capital, the province of Yogyakarta Special Region.
With this private vehicles to Bandung / Jakarta through the south route, go through the City Wates. Sempatin nyari ge-ya ... this black. Hehehe ... tasty ...! Soft ....! Delicious ....!

Tiwul and Gathot.

Hahaha ... ... .., if this sort of food typical of Yogyakarta, temen-temen the people of Yogya city in protest, and gathot tiwul this is not a typical food of Yogya, the symbol of this food woes. Well how come?

This Gathot Tiwul and typical foods of Gunung Kidul Regency, Yogyakarta provincial districts in the region dry and barren. Originally this dish is an alternative staple food after rice. But Gunungkidul own population average is "nggaya" tiwul not done anymore. In fact if you want to go back to tiwul, maemnya pake vegetable green chilies, well ... fresh ....! Rice can be sold to outside aja ....

This food is made from cassava (manioc) is dried, is called by the name of the famous: "dried".
Dried cassava is then processed into tiwul Gunungkidul.

There is a curious want tried, his nyari yes Wonosari just in town, ready stock in her shop Mbok Tum. Durability is also why, that's just not durable grated coconut. But you've been following tiwulnya taste for souvenirs, have not tiwul its original form which dimaemnya pake tiwul Gunungkidul vegetables .. Tiwul by-by at his stall Mbok Tum was contrived like mountains, packed in besek. Something sweet and something savory. Want to try?

There are many other special food of Yogyakarta, there is a dent, there growol, .... Connect again sometime ... .!!!! :)