Wingko usually circular and somewhat hard, and usually served in warm and cut into small pieces. Wingko can be sold in the form of large round or also in the form of little cakes wrapped in paper. The combination of sugar and coconut to make this delicious cake. Price of this cake may vary depending on where this wingko sell and brand.
The most famous wingko made in Semarang. This causes a lot of people who think that wingko also originated from this city. However, actually comes from wingko tripe Tripe. This is a small area in Lamongan, East Java. Tripe is located near the Bojonegoro, East Java, which is famous for its wood and because of newly discovered oil resources in this area.
In Tripe, which is a small town compared to Semarang, wingko has an important role for economic growth in this area. There are many companies producing wingko which employs many people. Coconut is used for this wingko material taken from areas around the place.
Currently wingko is famous makanam Tripe and Semarang with different brands and huge sale. Many wingko which currently still uses the name hard.
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