Sundanese cuisine delicacy delicious and fun atmosphere that made me go back and visit this restaurant. Mang Kabayan in accordance with its name and its motto "Typical food, ambiance Khas", this restaurant shows a typical Sundanese atmosphere, where the building using bamboo and booth, visitors can choose a seat or a seat lesehan usual, we also seemed to enjoy the atmosphere of Sundanese cuisine beautiful countryside.
While on a trip to Cibubur, delicacy of fried carp, know the contents of chilli and rice lead suddenly warm nan fluffier already pictured in the eyelid, I can not wait to taste it to immediately Sundanese cuisine, although the location is spelled out quite far from my house.
Mang Kabayan name reminds me of innocent witty characters from folk tales of West Java, a man with a sling-colored sheath with a red plaid cap, which became the symbol of this restaurant, which we can see pulling this legendary figure in the diner. Mang Kabayan with a friendly welcoming the visitors home to eat, as he saluted Wilujeung Sumping.
Fried carp became one of the most favorite food in this restaurant, hmmm ... Kriuk Kriuk ... delicious, especially with sambal dicocol sudden new pulverized when ordered, the level kepedasannya quite spicy, use some green chili sauce, if it does not like spicy, can tell abruptly ordered sambal when this is adjusted for our tastes.
Know the contents of a portion of the seductive, with a crispy batter and crispy on the outside, and filled with shrimp and various vegetables, hmm ... delicious.
A friend who loves the chicken fried rice lead to order complete, includes fried chicken, a piece of salted fish, tiny cakes, tofu, tempeh. Seeing friends who so heartily enjoyed fried chicken, with no hesitate, I would ask for a piece of fried chicken pieces, it feels really solid, absorbs seasonings and meat feels tender, especially with sambal sudden dicocol.
It was none the less, if we enjoy Sundanese dishes, without enjoying the fresh tamarind vegetables, containing corn, papaya, jackfruit, melinjo and peanuts, tamarind hmm ... a typical vegetable freshness.
Since I have not tasted pete burns, pete burns when looking at the menu, I immediately ordered it. Petenya feel fluffier and crisp, especially when grilled bananas dicocol with chili sauce or mango sudden, it feels really good. Mangganya sauce, quite spicy with a slightly sour flavor typical of mangoes.
When glancing at the next table who ordered a variety of cooking sauces, namely carp saosan Padang sauce, sweet and sour carp, shrimp, oyster sauce, shrimp fried flour and a variety of fresh squid and Karedok. Wow .. This dish must be tested on subsequent visits.
Sundanese cuisine delights, it seems less than complete if you do not drink ice Dawegan, namely coconut ice served with coconut, fresh young coconut water feels in the throat, there are also other beverages such as ice cendol, ice mix, oil and various fruit juice kopyor .
Mang Kabayan atmosphere of the restaurant was pretty crowded at night, almost every seat was filled, it is advisable to make reservations in advance especially for those wishing to enjoy dinner with lesehan atmosphere.
Please enjoy a delicious variety of Sundanese cuisine.
Sabtu, 28 Februari 2009
Jumat, 27 Februari 2009
Ma Uneh, Enjoyment Khas Sunda Cuisine
Of the many restaurants serving Sundanese buffet way, this is the place to eat typical Sundanese that have been around a dozen years ago. Stick with the concept ever, able to compete among an increasingly modern Sundanese restaurants mushrooming. Ma Uneh name, taken from the name of the founder of this diner. Initially Ma Uneh stalls are food stalls for students, with a growing era became Ma Uneh diner for the family. Nostalgia is often used as a place that was once their college in Bandung. And remain in demand as a compelling kelezatannnya.
Ma Uneh shop menu is not really much different from other Sunda diner menu. There was fried chicken, fried tofu, fried brains, a wide range Pepes, until the bananas and jengkol exists. And that certainly should not be missed of course hot sauce and fresh vegetables. Nevertheless, it may be compared with another. Moreover, compared with a modern restaurant, taste cuisine Ma Uneh much more enjoyable.
What to try if you ate at Ma Uneh is jeroannya and sambel dadaknya menu. For those who like jengkol, he said jengkolnya also delicious stew. Unfortunately I can not describe what kind of pleasure because I do not like jengkol. If it happened to lunch at Ma Uneh also try haremis menu, a kind of small clams sauteed with spices.
Ma Uneh open every day except Friday. Location in Jl. Pajajaran Bandung, in addition to Melinda Hospital. If the afternoon, a little food stall inside the hall. If they open the night cart five feet at the curb. The day or night, same owner. The difference is the price the day a bit more expensive than the open evenings. If it's feeling, just delicious.
Ma Uneh shop menu is not really much different from other Sunda diner menu. There was fried chicken, fried tofu, fried brains, a wide range Pepes, until the bananas and jengkol exists. And that certainly should not be missed of course hot sauce and fresh vegetables. Nevertheless, it may be compared with another. Moreover, compared with a modern restaurant, taste cuisine Ma Uneh much more enjoyable.
What to try if you ate at Ma Uneh is jeroannya and sambel dadaknya menu. For those who like jengkol, he said jengkolnya also delicious stew. Unfortunately I can not describe what kind of pleasure because I do not like jengkol. If it happened to lunch at Ma Uneh also try haremis menu, a kind of small clams sauteed with spices.
Ma Uneh open every day except Friday. Location in Jl. Pajajaran Bandung, in addition to Melinda Hospital. If the afternoon, a little food stall inside the hall. If they open the night cart five feet at the curb. The day or night, same owner. The difference is the price the day a bit more expensive than the open evenings. If it's feeling, just delicious.
Kamis, 26 Februari 2009
Eggs crust, or the Sunda Betawi Food?
It was delicious not be separated from the materials used, namely white sticky rice, chicken eggs, fried dried shrimp dried up like abon, and also added red onion and fried, then given a refined form of the spice roasted coconut, red chilies, kencur, ginger , pepper, salt and sugar to add taste delights.
Today, the original hawker Betawi is increasingly difficult to find. On ordinary days, egg crust can be found in some tourist attraction like Setu Babakan, Jagakarsa, South Jakarta and Forest City Srengseng, West Jakarta. At certain moments, such as the Anniversary of Jakarta, egg crust can be found at the Jakarta Fair, Kemayoran, Central Jakarta.
But the question arises, this egg crust or Sunda Betawi original hawker? Because, the majority of traders egg crust that existed in Jakarta Fair (now Jakarta Fair Kemayoran) is the origin of the Sunda, West Java. Because the egg in the crust crowd PRJ traders use Sundanese discussed when talking with friends seprofisinya. "Food of the Betawi kok that selling the Sundanese," the word that comes out of one of his buyers.
Ironic indeed crust egg merchant or manufacturer in Jakarta Fair area is dominated by traders from the outer crust of terror like from Garut Jakarta and Bandung. "Of the approximately 400 merchants in PRJ egg crust, almost the entire people of Sunda mas," said Hamid, one of the merchants of terror that comes from the crust of Cimahi, Bandung.
Hamid is very shocking confession. Because, as a cash food from Betawi, PRJ seller's crust in the majority of eggs come from Sunda, West Java. While originating from the original only amounting to tens of Batavia. This phenomenon is proved, the seller's crust egg increasingly desikit Betawi origin because there are no children and grandchildren who continue the business or because heredity is displaced by the modern food from outside, such as fast food and so forth.
Doubts are increasingly evident with the explanation Asep Ruslan (26), one egg crust traders who came from Garut. Asep admitted each year when PRJ opened, about 800 people organized egg crust traders to depart from Bandung. Traders are ready to enliven the top event HUT Jakarta.
According to Asep, egg crust is also found in many areas of Bandung and Garut beberawa. In Bandung crust egg into the diet remained in the area Gasibu, Gedung Sate, Bandung. While in Garut, cash food is always adorned tongkrongan Betawi young people in the cemetery, Guntur Garut, West Java. Then what about in Jakarta?
In Jakarta alone crust egg becomes scarce food. It's so difficult to find. Only in some places just the traders who sell them, and that too only a few bedagang with relatively small amounts. Like the egg crust in Setu Babakan. Here only dozens of traders who sell them.
In addition to the Setu Babakan, South Jakarta, crust eggs are also sold at area Jakarta Fair (PRJ), Kemayoran, Central Jakarta. IBHS only once a year, even the majority of vendors did not come from the indigenous people betawi or Jakarta. In other areas, the presence of egg crust are quite rare.
This situation is so alarming. As a special food Betawi Betawi apparently only a handful of citizens who popularized this snack. Not limited to, the youth Batavia came to feel reluctant to continue this effort hereditary. Evidenced by the majority of traders from egg crust Sunda betawi inherited from the original residents.
As stated Hamid (39), one egg crust origin traders Cimahi, Bandung. She admitted to learning how to make crust terror of the Betawi people who live in Warung Buncit, South Jakarta. Reason Hamid willing to learn so simple. Because there is no descendant of the `Guru` is willing to learn, then her children replace the teacher, of course based on his desire to try.
From where we start mengkwatirkan existence crust snacks hereditary eggs will migrate peradapannya. And it is not impossible egg crust that used to be a cash food from Betawi may turn into cash food community in West Java. Because of this, typical snacks nan Betawi should be preserved this rare!
Aneka Food Yogyakarta
If the warm, I'd ingetnya play time to the town of Pekalongan. There food was really salty average. Instead of speculation, finally agreed to search for food on a typical Yogya aja. Uh ... apparently there are warm jogja in Pekalongan. But opposition gudegnya tumon ... It is also very salty. Wealah ... hire dab, gene ... But yo salty ngene base hungry, went in too salty. Hehehe ...
It's a warm name, synonymous with the sweet taste. Although now because it follows the tastes of tourists and migrants, the sweetness is not kebangeten kok ....!
If in the morning, in the corners of the city found many baskets of warm jogja. But if I really want to 24 hours, yes in the area Wijilan center. East of the north plaza, went into Plengkung d'Ivoire, it was already entered Wijilan. But the price is the price jakarta lho ....! Hehehe.
Wah wah, actually it's food or not Jogja ya? His name is not the name of kok like Java, but tend to China, made the name of ethnicity, a kind of meatball, also bakmoy.
Dunno how its history, but whose contents Kumbu food is indeed delicious green bean. And now it has been heavily modified, there are dry and some wet.
It's easy in Yogya ndapetin bakpia, available at souvenir shops. On the road if you want to Mataram Tugu Station from the south. Also on the road if you want to Solo Adisucipto Airport.
But once there is a famous brand bakpia sudden sales slump, because in a cook-pake issues pig oil. But finally hit again, do not wong kok pake pig oil. There's my acquaintances who work there the story if it was just a rumor.
Well, for the basic-Yangko now for the basic taste, taste of fruits. Yogya cuisine is essentially material and box-shaped glutinous rice wrapped in thin paper was originally from the area Kotagede, silver-producing areas.
Nice ...! Yes Ndapetinnya souvenir shop as well. Easy ...!
This delicious food from local nih Bantul regency, Yogyakarta province also signed. Anyway, just a sweet taste and sweet. Indeed there are innovations to make sense of a diverse, but what I sense the sweet taste dominant tetep yes ... ...!
This food is made from principal of shredded coconut. Continue contrived round or oval-round. Originally used to taste the sweetness of sugar pake java. But now the hard kok pake ya find the sweetness of sugar Java ....
In the store souvenirs are usually placed at the front glass, pile-pile and flat color ... hehehe ... ..
Wow, it's hard to explain pronunciation cuisine West Progo this district. Butthead ... ..!!! Hehehehe .... The letter "e" the first reading as an "e" in the word "explain" (origin of "e" is in the word "explain" is not pronounced with the accent Batak lho ya ... !!!).
Well, the letter "e" are the two on Butthead said, pronouncing the "e" is equal to the pronunciation of "e" in the English word "black."
So should we write is "ge-" black ".
Food is just typical Kulonprogo districts in the city Wates, Kulon Progo district capital, the province of Yogyakarta Special Region.
With this private vehicles to Bandung / Jakarta through the south route, go through the City Wates. Sempatin nyari ge-ya ... this black. Hehehe ... tasty ...! Soft ....! Delicious ....!
Tiwul and Gathot.
Hahaha ... ... .., if this sort of food typical of Yogyakarta, temen-temen a person Yogya city in protest, this is not tiwul and gathot Yogya cuisine, food is a symbol of misery. Well how come?
This Gathot Tiwul and typical foods of Gunung Kidul Regency, Yogyakarta provincial districts in the region dry and barren. Originally this dish is an alternative staple food after rice. But Gunungkidul own population average is "nggaya" tiwul not done anymore. In fact if you want to go back to tiwul, maemnya pake vegetable green chilies, well ... fresh ....! Rice can be sold to outside aja ....
This food is made from cassava (manioc) is dried, is called by the name of the famous: "dried".
Dried cassava is then processed into tiwul Gunungkidul.
There is a curious want tried, his nyari yes Wonosari just in town, ready stock in her shop Mbok Tum. Durability is also why, that's just not durable grated coconut. But you've been following tiwulnya taste for by-by, was not the original form it tiwul tiwul Gunungkidul the dimaemnya pake vegetables .. Tiwul by-by at his stall Mbok Tum was contrived like mountains, packed in besek. Something sweet and something savory. Want to try?
If the warm, I'd ingetnya play time to the town of Pekalongan. There food was really salty average. Instead of speculation, finally agreed to search for food on a typical Yogya aja. Uh ... apparently there are warm jogja in Pekalongan. But opposition gudegnya tumon ... It is also very salty. Wealah ... hire dab, gene ... But yo salty ngene base hungry, went in too salty. Hehehe ...
It's a warm name, synonymous with the sweet taste. Although now because it follows the tastes of tourists and migrants, the sweetness is not kebangeten kok ....!
If in the morning, in the corners of the city found many baskets of warm jogja. But if I really want to 24 hours, yes in the area Wijilan center. East of the north plaza, went into Plengkung d'Ivoire, it was already entered Wijilan. But the price is the price jakarta lho ....! Hehehe.
Wah wah, actually it's food or not Jogja ya? His name is not the name of kok like Java, but tend to China, made the name of ethnicity, a kind of meatball, also bakmoy.
Dunno how its history, but whose contents Kumbu food is indeed delicious green bean. And now it has been heavily modified, there are dry and some wet.
It's easy in Yogya ndapetin bakpia, available at souvenir shops. On the road if you want to Mataram Tugu Station from the south. Also on the road if you want to Solo Adisucipto Airport.
But once there is a famous brand bakpia sudden sales slump, because in a cook-pake issues pig oil. But finally hit again, do not wong kok pake pig oil. There's my acquaintances who work there the story if it was just a rumor.
Well, for the basic-Yangko now for the basic taste, taste of fruits. Yogya cuisine is essentially material and box-shaped glutinous rice wrapped in thin paper was originally from the area Kotagede, silver-producing areas.
Nice ...! Yes Ndapetinnya souvenir shop as well. Easy ...!
This delicious food from local nih Bantul regency, Yogyakarta province also signed. Anyway, just a sweet taste and sweet. Indeed there are innovations to make sense of a diverse, but what I sense the sweet taste dominant tetep yes ... ...!
This food is made from principal of shredded coconut. Continue contrived round or oval-round. Originally used to taste the sweetness of sugar pake java. But now the hard kok pake ya find the sweetness of sugar Java ....
In the store souvenirs are usually placed at the front glass, pile-pile and flat color ... hehehe ... ..
Wow, it's hard to explain pronunciation cuisine West Progo this district. Butthead ... ..!!! Hehehehe .... The letter "e" the first reading as an "e" in the word "explain" (origin of "e" is in the word "explain" is not pronounced with the accent Batak lho ya ... !!!).
Well, the letter "e" are the two on Butthead said, pronouncing the "e" is equal to the pronunciation of "e" in the English word "black."
So should we write is "ge-" black ".
Food is just typical Kulonprogo districts in the city Wates, Kulon Progo district capital, the province of Yogyakarta Special Region.
With this private vehicles to Bandung / Jakarta through the south route, go through the City Wates. Sempatin nyari ge-ya ... this black. Hehehe ... tasty ...! Soft ....! Delicious ....!
Tiwul and Gathot.
Hahaha ... ... .., if this sort of food typical of Yogyakarta, temen-temen a person Yogya city in protest, this is not tiwul and gathot Yogya cuisine, food is a symbol of misery. Well how come?
This Gathot Tiwul and typical foods of Gunung Kidul Regency, Yogyakarta provincial districts in the region dry and barren. Originally this dish is an alternative staple food after rice. But Gunungkidul own population average is "nggaya" tiwul not done anymore. In fact if you want to go back to tiwul, maemnya pake vegetable green chilies, well ... fresh ....! Rice can be sold to outside aja ....
This food is made from cassava (manioc) is dried, is called by the name of the famous: "dried".
Dried cassava is then processed into tiwul Gunungkidul.
There is a curious want tried, his nyari yes Wonosari just in town, ready stock in her shop Mbok Tum. Durability is also why, that's just not durable grated coconut. But you've been following tiwulnya taste for by-by, was not the original form it tiwul tiwul Gunungkidul the dimaemnya pake vegetables .. Tiwul by-by at his stall Mbok Tum was contrived like mountains, packed in besek. Something sweet and something savory. Want to try?
Rabu, 25 Februari 2009
Ngo Hiang Khas Bogor
Clay was first a bit strange because he looked like a thick seasoning spice satay wilderness but this feels different and more fluid. At the time of edible taste ground beef and seasonings together manisnyanya acid. Potatoes, round and cut it into pieces. fried because the surface seems a bit harsh. Him white and not mushy. Given sauce makes it so perfect. Kalao delicious when eaten hot. We also take home some cool and fitting tasty meals are also fixed.
Options consist of pork meat and chicken. Ngo Hiangnya own menu for distinguished namely interference, plain and special. If it is a ground beef mixed Ngo Hiang + know + potatoes. Plain ground beef 2 Ngo Hiang just ground beef and a special two Ngo Hiang + know + potatoes.
Ngo Hiang menu addition there are also other menus such as dumplings, dumplings, assorted dishes like rice mixed with cooked rice, etc. Hainam. Kalao ingredientsnya yes there must be something about the illicit yes there are some places to eat this food in disposable pork. But Ngo Hiang kalao want to eat chicken ground beef are also available.
To drink not too diperhatiin hell, because it is so targeted food yes Hiangnya Ngo, he3x ... So when we drink hot tea with fitted rain advised ride motorcycles. To be sure there are plenty of drink choices like ice also standard orange, juice, juice etc..
This could Ngo Hiang lasting about a day. Can be selected to take home to cook it or not, and given the ingredients and dipanasin stay at home. Or it could also have a live feed directly. Mao Kalao stored until the next day and might still be warmed again let their taste.
This eatery has two floors. But most of them are eating on the floor. Bathrooms are also provided. Clean comfortable place. But unfortunately, like signed singer.
The location of this eatery in a definite he3x GG Aut ... but in sederetannya that also sell food. Many also sell pig food. But I think it easy to find a place to eat because the selling Ngo Hiangnya he just places to eat in the notepad that GG Aut? Or maybe there is more to know? he3x ...
Regarding price, less so know, because the menus are not ditulisin price, is not embarrassed if asked only one he3x ... But definitely one portion of price is USD $ Ngo Hiang intervene. 16 000. Plain Kalao Rp. 18 000 special and certainly more expensive than it might Rp. 20 000.
When looking for the place, we lewatin Kujang monument, then the direction of going to the highway back to Jakarta, then the terminal Baranangsiang, and not far from Baranangsiang deh. Not so new to the memorized because Bogor ride motorcycles, he3x ...
So for those who from Jakarta to Bogor, please try the food and places to eat this one. Do not forget by-her peculiar Bogor, bread and pickles Bogor Unyil Vienna yes ...
Selasa, 24 Februari 2009
This He Nasi Bali Typical Cats
The beauty of the island already famous, distinctive chicken dishes betutu-Bali-too familiar. But perhaps you have never tasted a kind of rice-rice jenggo in Solo-cat, lawar vegetables, satay wrap (made of mackerel fish), vegetables arrest (made from banana tree trunks young), and boiled salad dressing.
If you're curious, come here: Warung Made Darmi Punak Road 33, Pangkalan Jati, Cinere, South Jakarta. Matter of taste, according to Made Darmi, owner of Warung Made Darmi, most Balinese people like savory, spicy and salty. Similar to the plain cooking. It's just that they do not use coconut milk to thicken the stew.
"We must be brave if you cook with herbs. So, taste the food more and more condensed. In history, we've never cooked with coconut milk. Used as a mixture of grated coconut, is not taken santannya," he said.
While the materials will be processed into food may be in the form of chicken meat, duck meat, or beef.
For daily food is often sold jenggo Made Darmi is rice. This rice is similar to the rice cat. Consists of white rice, chicken pieces goby, serundeng, peanuts or peanut fried Tolo, matah chilli, long beans and stir-fry. Every day can be alternated lauknya. Rice wrapped in banana leaves. SebungkusnyaRp 7000.
According to the story, in the year 1970-1980, the explorers Kuta at night has a distinctive style similar to a wild-west cowboy era. Maybe the cowboys of Kuta was later dubbed Jango.
Jenggo pack contains a fistful of rice and white rice, fried noodles with toppings, spicy sauce, tempeh dry, and some Suwir chicken or meat or fish spiced with typical Balinese. The price is Rp 2000 per serving.
For food salvation, religious ceremonies, available vegetables and chicken lawar goby, as well as pastries. Lawar vegetables are made from chopped meat, vegetables, some spices and grated coconut. While the goby chicken made from chicken that filled his body intact and cassava leaves that had been boiled. Then seasoned and tied. After it was boiled until slightly tender, then baked. It's a bit tasty and spicy, especially on the leaves singkongnya. Price per head Rp60,000. Matah combined with chili, hot-added to make sense.
Balinese food another, as satay wrap, made from finely ground fishing mackerel mixed with grated coconut and wrapped in bamboo and burned with charcoal. Price per puncture Rp 2000.
There are also vegetable Ares. Made of banana trees that are still young. Ribs cooked with beef or chicken or duck according to your taste. Feel? Hmm ...
If you're curious, come here: Warung Made Darmi Punak Road 33, Pangkalan Jati, Cinere, South Jakarta. Matter of taste, according to Made Darmi, owner of Warung Made Darmi, most Balinese people like savory, spicy and salty. Similar to the plain cooking. It's just that they do not use coconut milk to thicken the stew.
"We must be brave if you cook with herbs. So, taste the food more and more condensed. In history, we've never cooked with coconut milk. Used as a mixture of grated coconut, is not taken santannya," he said.
While the materials will be processed into food may be in the form of chicken meat, duck meat, or beef.
For daily food is often sold jenggo Made Darmi is rice. This rice is similar to the rice cat. Consists of white rice, chicken pieces goby, serundeng, peanuts or peanut fried Tolo, matah chilli, long beans and stir-fry. Every day can be alternated lauknya. Rice wrapped in banana leaves. SebungkusnyaRp 7000.
According to the story, in the year 1970-1980, the explorers Kuta at night has a distinctive style similar to a wild-west cowboy era. Maybe the cowboys of Kuta was later dubbed Jango.
Jenggo pack contains a fistful of rice and white rice, fried noodles with toppings, spicy sauce, tempeh dry, and some Suwir chicken or meat or fish spiced with typical Balinese. The price is Rp 2000 per serving.
For food salvation, religious ceremonies, available vegetables and chicken lawar goby, as well as pastries. Lawar vegetables are made from chopped meat, vegetables, some spices and grated coconut. While the goby chicken made from chicken that filled his body intact and cassava leaves that had been boiled. Then seasoned and tied. After it was boiled until slightly tender, then baked. It's a bit tasty and spicy, especially on the leaves singkongnya. Price per head Rp60,000. Matah combined with chili, hot-added to make sense.
Balinese food another, as satay wrap, made from finely ground fishing mackerel mixed with grated coconut and wrapped in bamboo and burned with charcoal. Price per puncture Rp 2000.
There are also vegetable Ares. Made of banana trees that are still young. Ribs cooked with beef or chicken or duck according to your taste. Feel? Hmm ...
Senin, 23 Februari 2009
Chicken Betutu - Balinese Cuisine
Each region has different traditions and cultures of other regions. Similarly, Bali. Bali is known as a major tourist destination for tourists both domestic and foreign countries, has a lot of uniqueness. Adi indigenous culture has attracted many people from various parts of the world to come visit him.
Chicken goby is one of uniqueness among the various uniqueness either held in Bali, Chicken Betutu Is it ...? It is the food / dishes typical of the Island of the Gods.
How do I make it ...?
* 1 tail (1 ½ kg) of chicken
* 100 gr young cassava leaves, boiled until soft, squeeze, cut into pieces
* 5 tablespoons oil, for sauteing
* Banana leaves / aluminum foil for wrapping
Spices that are:
* 7 fruits and five chili pepper
* 5 candle nut, roasted
* 10 pieces of red onion
* 1 teaspoon shrimp paste
* 5 pieces of garlic
* 1 tablespoon coriander seeds, roasted
* 1 ½ tbsp lemon grass, finely sliced
* 2 rounded teaspoon pepper
* 1 tbsp chopped galangal
* ½ teaspoon nutmeg powder
* 2 tsp turmeric chopped
* 4 kaffir lime leaves
* 2 tsp chopped ginger
* 2 tsp chopped kencur
* Salt and sugar according to taste
How to Make:
* Stir-fry ground spices until fragrant and dry. Remove and let cool. For those into two parts.
* Mix one part spice with cassava leaves. Enter in the body cavity of chicken, peg hole with a toothpick. Smear the remaining seasoning on the chicken surface and under the skin.
* Cover with several layers of banana leaves, tied tightly with string. Bake in hot oven 180 ° C, for 2-3 hours until cooked.
* Remove, cut into wedges and serve.
Note: before baking, can also be steamed first ± 45 minutes, then baked for 1 hour.
Goby is the pride of Balinese cuisine. Usually made of duck wrapped in banana leaves, then wrapped again with areca sheath so tight. Duck planted in a hole in the ground and covered with coals for 6-7 hours until cooked.
Chicken goby is one of uniqueness among the various uniqueness either held in Bali, Chicken Betutu Is it ...? It is the food / dishes typical of the Island of the Gods.
How do I make it ...?
* 1 tail (1 ½ kg) of chicken
* 100 gr young cassava leaves, boiled until soft, squeeze, cut into pieces
* 5 tablespoons oil, for sauteing
* Banana leaves / aluminum foil for wrapping
Spices that are:
* 7 fruits and five chili pepper
* 5 candle nut, roasted
* 10 pieces of red onion
* 1 teaspoon shrimp paste
* 5 pieces of garlic
* 1 tablespoon coriander seeds, roasted
* 1 ½ tbsp lemon grass, finely sliced
* 2 rounded teaspoon pepper
* 1 tbsp chopped galangal
* ½ teaspoon nutmeg powder
* 2 tsp turmeric chopped
* 4 kaffir lime leaves
* 2 tsp chopped ginger
* 2 tsp chopped kencur
* Salt and sugar according to taste
How to Make:
* Stir-fry ground spices until fragrant and dry. Remove and let cool. For those into two parts.
* Mix one part spice with cassava leaves. Enter in the body cavity of chicken, peg hole with a toothpick. Smear the remaining seasoning on the chicken surface and under the skin.
* Cover with several layers of banana leaves, tied tightly with string. Bake in hot oven 180 ° C, for 2-3 hours until cooked.
* Remove, cut into wedges and serve.
Note: before baking, can also be steamed first ± 45 minutes, then baked for 1 hour.
Goby is the pride of Balinese cuisine. Usually made of duck wrapped in banana leaves, then wrapped again with areca sheath so tight. Duck planted in a hole in the ground and covered with coals for 6-7 hours until cooked.
Minggu, 22 Februari 2009
Special Food in Bandung
So hear the word of Bandung, directly deh imagine shopping for Bandung nicknamed the "Paris Van Java" Indonesia. Shopingnya place from Dago, Riau, Cihamplas, and some FOR (Factory Outlet) diBandung emerging. In addition diBandung shopping is also popular with the hunting / culinary tourism lho! So to you who worked on; Bandung holiday shopping aja not only you also must try hawker / food typical of this parahyangan area. We love a little info about special food Bandung nih.
Rice Lead

Lead is a typical meal of rice the most popular Bandung. Timbelnya rice fluffier rice usually compressed and then wrapped in banana leaves, eaten with fresh vegetables and sambal abruptly. There are many rice shop in Bandung only lead of the most favorite in the "Rice Mother Oneng Lead."
Location: Jl. Citarum Park (in front of the mosque istiqomah)
Menu Mainstay: red and white lead rice, chicken fried / grilled, Pepes and tempeh bacem.
Price: Rp. 7000 (one serving),
- Do not be too late to come here because this shop is only open from the hours of 7:00 a.m. to 16:00.
- Because this shop is always crowded, you can also enjoy the rice this lead you inside the vehicle.
Mie Beat

Beat yellow noodles are noodles and bean sprouts that were given hot soup of beef broth feet and given a small piece of kikil. With sauce of spices so tasty and fragrant. One place name is "Shake Mie Gatsoe" stood since 1990.
Location: Jl. Sadekaling no.317 / 36b Bandung
Menu Mainstay: special beef noodle legs shake and shake meatball noodles
Price: Rp. 2500 - Rp. 15 000
- For you are not really like spicy can memasan on this shop waitress.
- More afdol if eaten with crackers leveling compound.

In addition to lead and rice noodles stir, batagor also typical food in Bandung. Batagor with identical taste mackerel fish with herbs, which was given soy beans and orange limo batagor thereon are fairly well known batagor "Riri". Indeed the price is rather expensive for the size but the price paid was batagor appropriate flavor.
Location: Jl. Burangrang 41 (across from BCA)
Menu Mainstay: batagor, dumplings, meatball mix and youghurt
Price: Rp. 10,000 - Rp. 25.00
- If anyone likes batagor engga you can try the menu mainstay somay or poor meatball engga lost easily.
- This menu is perfect for dinner or snacks disore days.
Surabi Enhaii

Surabi is food derived from rice flour, formerly served with sugar water. Along with the development period could surabi toping is mixed with some cheese, chocolate, Oncom, sausages, chicken etc.. Surabi famous is surabi Enhaii and adjacent surabi Cute place consists of a variety of flavors we taste. What we discussed is enhaii Christian.
Location: Jl. Dr. Setiabudi no.186
Menu Mainstay: surabi special brown cheese, egg sausage cheese surabi, surabi banana cheese, mayonnaise banana pancakes, banana chocolate grilled cheese and beverages with the taste youghurt soursop, strowbery, durian & lecci.
Price: Rp. 4500 - Rp. 7000
- Come with friends or family and ordered a different menu so you can try another.
- Snacks can be enjoyed this afternoon due to open from the hours of 16:00 to 23:00 but if the weekend until 03:00 hours.
Duck Garang

Duck fierce is the name of a restaurant that serves its menu completely burned and fried duck. His name became famous because of the event Bondan Pak tv station "culinary tour" coming to this place.
Location: Jl. Sulanjana 19, Dago
Menu Mainstay:
- Duck Debus: grilled duck blended with distinctive seasonings red bangkakan Rangkasbitung spicy sweet taste.
- Fuel Negro clumsy Duck: It was sweet because kecapnya seasoning seep up into. Those who would like this message just so sweet!
- Duck Base: stands for Sweet Sour Spice is a piece of duck meat sauteed with sweet and sour spices served with peppers & pineapple.
- Duck walks: almost the same as a duck base, pieces of duck meat sauteed with pieces of fruit and spice spicy sour
Price: Rp. 15,000 - Rp. 25 000
- To which engga like a duck, this restaurant provides a menu of chicken or duck instead of fried rice
Rice Lead
Lead is a typical meal of rice the most popular Bandung. Timbelnya rice fluffier rice usually compressed and then wrapped in banana leaves, eaten with fresh vegetables and sambal abruptly. There are many rice shop in Bandung only lead of the most favorite in the "Rice Mother Oneng Lead."
Location: Jl. Citarum Park (in front of the mosque istiqomah)
Menu Mainstay: red and white lead rice, chicken fried / grilled, Pepes and tempeh bacem.
Price: Rp. 7000 (one serving),
- Do not be too late to come here because this shop is only open from the hours of 7:00 a.m. to 16:00.
- Because this shop is always crowded, you can also enjoy the rice this lead you inside the vehicle.
Mie Beat
Beat yellow noodles are noodles and bean sprouts that were given hot soup of beef broth feet and given a small piece of kikil. With sauce of spices so tasty and fragrant. One place name is "Shake Mie Gatsoe" stood since 1990.
Location: Jl. Sadekaling no.317 / 36b Bandung
Menu Mainstay: special beef noodle legs shake and shake meatball noodles
Price: Rp. 2500 - Rp. 15 000
- For you are not really like spicy can memasan on this shop waitress.
- More afdol if eaten with crackers leveling compound.
In addition to lead and rice noodles stir, batagor also typical food in Bandung. Batagor with identical taste mackerel fish with herbs, which was given soy beans and orange limo batagor thereon are fairly well known batagor "Riri". Indeed the price is rather expensive for the size but the price paid was batagor appropriate flavor.
Location: Jl. Burangrang 41 (across from BCA)
Menu Mainstay: batagor, dumplings, meatball mix and youghurt
Price: Rp. 10,000 - Rp. 25.00
- If anyone likes batagor engga you can try the menu mainstay somay or poor meatball engga lost easily.
- This menu is perfect for dinner or snacks disore days.
Surabi Enhaii
Surabi is food derived from rice flour, formerly served with sugar water. Along with the development period could surabi toping is mixed with some cheese, chocolate, Oncom, sausages, chicken etc.. Surabi famous is surabi Enhaii and adjacent surabi Cute place consists of a variety of flavors we taste. What we discussed is enhaii Christian.
Location: Jl. Dr. Setiabudi no.186
Menu Mainstay: surabi special brown cheese, egg sausage cheese surabi, surabi banana cheese, mayonnaise banana pancakes, banana chocolate grilled cheese and beverages with the taste youghurt soursop, strowbery, durian & lecci.
Price: Rp. 4500 - Rp. 7000
- Come with friends or family and ordered a different menu so you can try another.
- Snacks can be enjoyed this afternoon due to open from the hours of 16:00 to 23:00 but if the weekend until 03:00 hours.
Duck Garang
Duck fierce is the name of a restaurant that serves its menu completely burned and fried duck. His name became famous because of the event Bondan Pak tv station "culinary tour" coming to this place.
Location: Jl. Sulanjana 19, Dago
Menu Mainstay:
- Duck Debus: grilled duck blended with distinctive seasonings red bangkakan Rangkasbitung spicy sweet taste.
- Fuel Negro clumsy Duck: It was sweet because kecapnya seasoning seep up into. Those who would like this message just so sweet!
- Duck Base: stands for Sweet Sour Spice is a piece of duck meat sauteed with sweet and sour spices served with peppers & pineapple.
- Duck walks: almost the same as a duck base, pieces of duck meat sauteed with pieces of fruit and spice spicy sour
Price: Rp. 15,000 - Rp. 25 000
- To which engga like a duck, this restaurant provides a menu of chicken or duck instead of fried rice
Sabtu, 21 Februari 2009
Snake, anybody?
Create a snake food lovers, this one restaurant that sure I know a lot, Restaurants Naya jl. Dr Junjunan no. 14 (canal Pasteur) Bandung, (022) 2035594. Curious, last week I niatin to Bandung to nyobain taste, well, actually not my husband but nyobain. Hehe ... I dare not mah. Before here, I and my son had stomach ngisi Janice at Sam strawberry. Tasty chicken noodle lho. Husband just eat a little, let me still have a place to eat snake adventure later.
Got there (around 3pm), the three of us stunned. Its scary appearance bo! Her house is old, looks like a creepy and uninhabited. Janice nyeletuk spontaneous, "Wow." At first glance, like an abandoned house occupants. "Do-not already bankrupt", I mumbled. Then my eyes saw the tail end of the table in the dining room like a garage. We went downstairs and ngelongok into the restaurant. "Mas, this is selling snake dishes yes" Si mas smiled agreeably.
Be we sat at the table closest to the exit. Any seat in the chair most tip, near the exit. Hehe ... ready to run away when suddenly there was a snake that nyelonong to our table. In addition to snakes, this restaurant also presents a variety of dishes of chicken, pig, frog, cow, fish, shrimp, and noodles.
Options menu pretty much snake. There's a snake soup, snake ca big chili, fried rice, snakes, snakes ca, sweet and sour fried snake, snakes soy sauce, hisit snake, snakes ca crocheted, oyster sauce, snake, snakes know taosi, and snakes fumak ca. There are also abon snake (Rp 10,000), blood & gall snake (Rp 25,000), dried snake bile (Rp 5000). Husband chose the snake soup and snake ca great chili. Average menu price is .Rp 20 000, except for fried rice snake Rp. 15 000.
I just ordered a glass of Coca Cola. Janice did not want to eat and drink. Posture and all his senses in a position of 'alert'. Nose sniffing the air, "what is this smell? Snakes yes." It's funny. Several years ago, Janice never eaten fried snake (see the article "Snake fries") catches a neighbor. At that time he did not have feelings of fear. Now? Sitting shrink in his chair:-D.
While awaiting orders, the waiter invited me to her husband to see the snake in the room inside. "Want to come?", Ask my husband. Prompt me and Janice shook her head. While her husband to see a snake, I watched the old posters on the wall display snakes. Oh, so more and more stress.
According to report her husband's eyes, inside there are about four cobras and a python. Inserted into the boxes and sacks. Soon, orders came. Large portion of snake soup. White sauce is slightly yellowish liquid. The contents of ginger, pieces of snake meat, and kitse (some sweet, some sour). Age-old I've never heard that name kitse. Are small, red. At a glance like a piece of red pepper. Husband spooned soup into small bowls are provided and then try a spoonful ... "Delicious", he said, then continued the next mouthful until they run out two bowls.
Then the next order came, Ca Chillies Large Snakes. Well, this one looks really tempting. No figure of the snake at all. More like a fried chicken meal. Potongan2 form of fried snake meat is dry, brownish yellow with some great chili on top. Fragrance too tempting. If I do not know it was a snake, I already ate. "Mmm .. this one better! My husband said while mencocol sauce bottle." I can only wince to see her husband ate with gusto. As she accompanied her husband eat, I chatted with her waitress.
It turned out that this restaurant had stood since 1980. They get a supply of snakes from Central Java and East Java. The plan they will move to the other side of the canal Grand Aquila Hotel Pasteur, too, occupies a larger space.
Got there (around 3pm), the three of us stunned. Its scary appearance bo! Her house is old, looks like a creepy and uninhabited. Janice nyeletuk spontaneous, "Wow." At first glance, like an abandoned house occupants. "Do-not already bankrupt", I mumbled. Then my eyes saw the tail end of the table in the dining room like a garage. We went downstairs and ngelongok into the restaurant. "Mas, this is selling snake dishes yes" Si mas smiled agreeably.
Be we sat at the table closest to the exit. Any seat in the chair most tip, near the exit. Hehe ... ready to run away when suddenly there was a snake that nyelonong to our table. In addition to snakes, this restaurant also presents a variety of dishes of chicken, pig, frog, cow, fish, shrimp, and noodles.
Options menu pretty much snake. There's a snake soup, snake ca big chili, fried rice, snakes, snakes ca, sweet and sour fried snake, snakes soy sauce, hisit snake, snakes ca crocheted, oyster sauce, snake, snakes know taosi, and snakes fumak ca. There are also abon snake (Rp 10,000), blood & gall snake (Rp 25,000), dried snake bile (Rp 5000). Husband chose the snake soup and snake ca great chili. Average menu price is .Rp 20 000, except for fried rice snake Rp. 15 000.
I just ordered a glass of Coca Cola. Janice did not want to eat and drink. Posture and all his senses in a position of 'alert'. Nose sniffing the air, "what is this smell? Snakes yes." It's funny. Several years ago, Janice never eaten fried snake (see the article "Snake fries") catches a neighbor. At that time he did not have feelings of fear. Now? Sitting shrink in his chair:-D.
While awaiting orders, the waiter invited me to her husband to see the snake in the room inside. "Want to come?", Ask my husband. Prompt me and Janice shook her head. While her husband to see a snake, I watched the old posters on the wall display snakes. Oh, so more and more stress.
According to report her husband's eyes, inside there are about four cobras and a python. Inserted into the boxes and sacks. Soon, orders came. Large portion of snake soup. White sauce is slightly yellowish liquid. The contents of ginger, pieces of snake meat, and kitse (some sweet, some sour). Age-old I've never heard that name kitse. Are small, red. At a glance like a piece of red pepper. Husband spooned soup into small bowls are provided and then try a spoonful ... "Delicious", he said, then continued the next mouthful until they run out two bowls.
Then the next order came, Ca Chillies Large Snakes. Well, this one looks really tempting. No figure of the snake at all. More like a fried chicken meal. Potongan2 form of fried snake meat is dry, brownish yellow with some great chili on top. Fragrance too tempting. If I do not know it was a snake, I already ate. "Mmm .. this one better! My husband said while mencocol sauce bottle." I can only wince to see her husband ate with gusto. As she accompanied her husband eat, I chatted with her waitress.
It turned out that this restaurant had stood since 1980. They get a supply of snakes from Central Java and East Java. The plan they will move to the other side of the canal Grand Aquila Hotel Pasteur, too, occupies a larger space.
Jumat, 20 Februari 2009
Lontong Kupang, Surabaya cuisine
Kupang Lontong cuisine is one of the Surabaya and Sidoarjo. This food is the most frequently encountered on the beach Kenjeran. Consists of black spice paste, rice cake, a kind of oyster sauce mixed kupang or small shellfish. Food was also frequently found in Sidoarjo, some even called the sales center kupang kupang exchanges.
This dish is quite simple, that has been boiled kupang, who presented with less paste with crushed garlic, the mixture is diluted with a little tinge kupang gravy stew. Added on top sprinkled with pieces of sliced rice cake and then doused with sauce lento kupang decoction. Enjoying this dish will be more enjoyable when added sate shellfish. Satay is more fitting if the added chili paste with a sprinkling of fried onions.
For those of you who have allergies or not to eat fresh kupang, not to worry because there penawarnya, namely young coconut water. This drink not only as a release and thirst, but also serves as antidote yangt erdapat in kupang. Lontong kupang you can be right in some locations, namely: Stock kupang Sidoarjo, Beach Kenjeran ria, film star Pujasera Jl. Diponegoro, Surabaya, Kitchen archipelago ITC Surabaya Mega Wholesale.
This dish is quite simple, that has been boiled kupang, who presented with less paste with crushed garlic, the mixture is diluted with a little tinge kupang gravy stew. Added on top sprinkled with pieces of sliced rice cake and then doused with sauce lento kupang decoction. Enjoying this dish will be more enjoyable when added sate shellfish. Satay is more fitting if the added chili paste with a sprinkling of fried onions.
For those of you who have allergies or not to eat fresh kupang, not to worry because there penawarnya, namely young coconut water. This drink not only as a release and thirst, but also serves as antidote yangt erdapat in kupang. Lontong kupang you can be right in some locations, namely: Stock kupang Sidoarjo, Beach Kenjeran ria, film star Pujasera Jl. Diponegoro, Surabaya, Kitchen archipelago ITC Surabaya Mega Wholesale.
Kamis, 19 Februari 2009
Aneka Ria food in Lamongan, Surabaya
Spice paste is used in a typical cuisine Lamongan. But not only that you can jajankan in Lamongan. Oba also degannya unique ice. You are definitely addictive.
If you ask where the seller soto ayam Lamongan most crowded in Lamongan, must be answered Depot Asih Jaya. This depot is located in the JI. Panglima Sudirman, the main streets of Surabaya to Bali.
"This Depot has been open since 0600 and was closed at midnight," explained H. Mahfud Ali (60) owner of the Depot Asih Jaya.
Ali accidentally opened warungya that long. Warungya understandable strategic location. Customers not just from Lamongan. Even up to Jakarta.
At lunch and holidays, can be ascertained by the depot was crowded with shoppers. According to Ali, the height of the buyer because the flavor suitable to the taste of homemade soup buyers. "If no match, yes, not going to come back, to," he said without the impression of bragging.
Lamongan Soto is soto ayam kampung with murky soup. "It's color is less attractive due to the addition of various spices. But that was the key, "I'm Ali, who each require 75 days that village chickens.
Turbid color also comes from milkfish and shrimp were added to the chicken stew. "This is what makes it so steady," said Ali.
Sotonya itself only consists of few Soun and shredded chicken. Can also added uritan or young chicken eggs and chicken liver. His name is soto special.
For a special serving of soup with rice Lamongan separately sold at nine thousand. "But if the rice directly into the soup, it costs only Rp 8,000," explained the man who has been selling this kind of soup since 1968.
For the usual serving of soup Lamongan price of Rp 5500. This is the combined price for rice soup. If separated, has to add USD $ 1500.
Toward evening, special food that can be purchased is out of this. Seller of this food can be found around the square and Lamongan clothing market.
Since at 16 o'clock they've started to hold a new tent to sell and close at midnight.
As the name suggests, you know this mix is full of content. Not just three species, but up to six kinds, lo. Ie, tofu, lettuce, bean sprouts, yellow noodles, cakes, and crackers. "Yellow cakes and shape of the box," said Sueb sellers know the market mix in front of clothing.
His name was, hell, meatball, but do not be surprised if it was like cassava. Because these cakes are made from cassava mixed with potatoes. When bitten feels springy.
In order to know the mix feels good, given the form of paste and chili seasoning. Both materials are mixed directly on the plate before the given piece of know, lettuce, yellow noodles, cakes, and gravy poured contain large pieces kikil
"But no hard kikilnya. I ngerebusnya three hours. After it was boiled again in the soup. Mayonnaise is my season with walnut, garlic, and ginger, so it's tasty, "assure the continued sales efforts Sueb know his parents intervened.
By Sueb, platter know intervene appreciated USD 3500 complete with a beverage. Afternoons and evenings are the most appropriate time to eat these foods. Warm and filling
Besides soto Lamongan and knew of it, there's more typical food Lamongan town. Residents there used to call it nasi boranan. The name was derived from the place of rice stores, Boran. "Hence, rice boranan called," Mother said boranan Nduk who sells rice since four years ago.
Boranan rice served with banana leaf-covered container. His friend, urap or krawu from papaya, long beans, and bean sprouts. Lauknya there are a variety of tempe and tofu, fried fish, shrimp, pancakes, until the chicken fries.
"It's all just an additional side dish, lo. Originally, rice boranan just eaten with soft, matted bark, nuts and dent, "explained a woman who sells on the street front of the RSU Muhamadiyah KH. Ahmad Dahlan, this Lamongan.
Soft is a mixture of rice flour, cassava, and wheat. This dough is formed a small circle and fried. It was tempting because it mixed with garlic and salt.
While bark dreadlocks made from cassava and grated coconut. Just as the soft, matted bark matured in a way fried.
Rice boranan should wear a special dish that is cooked with fish sill spicy sauce. "But I do not wear sili fish. Difficult, because there are usually only fit Hari Raya, "I Nduk while busy serving customers.
Since there are no fish sill, Nduk using curse of the living fish in freshwater fish is the meat soft and a little prickly.
Boranan rice enthusiasts not only from Lamongan. Another city resident who stopped in here, happy to also try the deliciousness of rice boranan. Moreover, the price is quite affordable, USD 2500, complete with a piece of fried fish or chicken.
It takes patience to look for food. Section, the seller knows nothing mangkal tek. They drive around, taking out a distinctive voice, tek, tek, tek.
This sound comes from the wok who was beaten with a small iron. Echoes of his voice could be heard far enough in the evenings. "Yes, that's a sign that the seller knew there tek pass," said Mr. Setu.
Unlike mixed-rich content to know, know very little technical content. Just know, rice cake, bean sprouts, and crackers. But to know more than the amount of rice cake.
Sauces is a mixture of paste, soy sauce, peanut, and chili, but the flavor is more prominent petisnya.
"Because it feels a little bitter. But it's like it knows tek Lamongan, 'said the man who had 11 years to sell out this tek.
Sambal pulverized in a clay cobek then splashed to the edge of tofu and rice cake. Setu accidentally sells between 19 o'clock till 24 o'clock. Not gone up is sure to come back to his home in Kemlaten, Lamongan. "Taylor finished can be stored longer. Wong, mentahan material. if the bean sprouts and lontongnya, yes, thrown away, "said Setu which sells a plate to know tek worth USD three thousand.
ES Dawet Siwalan
Despite its name Dawet ice, do not expect to find. Dawet therein. That there is actually translucent white herwarna fruit slices.
Penyuguhannya added coconut milk and legend. Now, this legendary tree sap obtained from the intercepts. The color is golden brown and slightly thickened.
When taken instantly felt like he was enjoying a young coconut. Only the difference between direct legen ambush perfume nose.
"Actually the drink was only available in the area Paciran Lamongan. I am interested to sell ice Dawet palm because no one sells in the city, "explained Choirulhuda (38), the only ice seller in the plaza Dawet Lamongan. Like the food vendors at the plaza area, Choirulhuda began trading at 16.00. "Usually at 20:00 I had finished merchandise. If Sunday was even more rapid. Sunset-Sunset has been finished, "I am the man who sold Rp 1,000 per glass.
Every day no less than 25 diolahnya become Dawet palm fruit. While for legennya spent three 1.5 liter bottles. All materials were
by Choirul imported straight from Paciran. "I intentionally took it from there. As the quality is good. So customer satisfaction, "says this bespectacled man.
MARKET snacks
If the morning visiting the vegetable market Lamongan, you'll find a number of tempting snacks market. The seller of this market snacks did not occupy specific blocks. They spread out among the vegetable sellers, food, and cooking ingredients. the usual type of snack market is klebet peddled corn. Made from finely ground corn and were given white sugar. Cone shape and wrapped in corn leaves.
This yellow cake corn flavor are very dominant. Even though the sweet corn is still felt had been given sugar. Seller of this cake can be found at the entrance near the vegetable sellers. Sold along with other cakes, like a donut, bowsprit, and the cake layer by Mrs. Sumirah.
Other options, opaque lodo. This food looks attractive because of the pink and yellow. Packaged in small plastic bags.
"The material is sticky rice and sugar. Once dried, fried in the sand, "explained Tuminah, the seller opaque lodo. This is very crisp and opaque. It was sweet. Because it does not match served with rice. More delicious eaten as is, as a snack.
There are more clips, similar to the opaque lodo. Are both made from glutinous rice, only a flat shape and taste delicious. How to make, the dough is pinched as he burned. There are three kinds of the color, pink, white, and yellow. Pins made of glutinous rice in addition, there are also those from corn starch. Of course it was not selegit clips from glutinous rice. Unfortunately not easy to distinguish because of the new light after taste.
Walk to the right side of the market, right near the kitchen spice seller, you can find a seller gantesan and rice putu. This is similar to gemblong Gantesan. Only it was white. If putu fields, elliptical shape and the color green.
Inside the glutinous rice flour dough is hidden contents of green beans. While the exterior sprinkled with grated coconut. "Yes, it's savory, not sweet because there is no sugar," explained Mrs. Sri.
Side by side with Mrs. Sri, you can taste the porridge mix. This name is very appropriate to the content and color of these foods. Black from black rice, red pearl, white from glutinous rice porridge, and brown from canil.
Porridge is very sweet. Because it should be presented with watery coconut milk. Must eat it still warm, because there was so cold porridge will mengumpal. In addition to porridge, no more comestible suitable for breakfast. Lempok, srebel, blendong, ngempol bran, corn paren, and bran srubuk. This food is made from corn, cassava, and green beans. "I'll eat it with grated coconut tasty," said Rimpan.
Although the species vary, snacks are sold at market price of corn, opaque lodo, bobby pins, gantesan, and rice putu. Slurry mix is sold at Rp 1,000 per pack.
While lempok, srebel, blendong, ngempol bran, corn paren, and bran srubuk, is sold under the buyer. Usually buyers buy between USD 500 to USD 1500 with a type according to taste.
If comestible clamp easily found in traditional markets, is not the case with roll pins. Tapioca flour confectionery of this can only be found in the souvenir shop. "Materials and more expensive ketimbangjepit usual," I Siti Halimah, makers roll pins.
roll clamp using tapioca and sugar, while the clamp eat glutinous rice flour. Jepitgulung color was white only. How to cook it that makes both are equally called flops.
"Lha, bikinnya way it used cast iron, hence the name-flops," said Siti who pursue this business since 1990 this year. Although using a mold, to make the roll pin maker must withstand heat. Tapioca dough, sugar, and sesame must be rolled while it's hot. To release from mold was also done by hand.
"Well, if the anticipated cold, hard dough trigger, not rolled up," said Siti while busy making roll-flops. pins that have been rolled up, is then placed on a board, like a cutting board to cool. Only after it was packaged.
Usually, only roll pins arranged in a large tin. But there are also packaged in plastic. "If the plastic only for orders only. but to store disposable cans, that are more resistant to six months, "explained the woman was childless second.
Every day in her home kitchen in the area Sidokumpul, Siti make roll pins from the 4.5 kilograms of dough. Then sold USD 16 thousand per kilogram to fix without sesame. "Pakal sesame so Rp 20 thousand per kilogram," Siti said kindly.
In the town of Lamongan, the favorite dish is rice boranan. But in Tripe, an administrative town in Lamongan, goat satay even close to the tongue citizens. Well, goat satay stalls are subscribed citizens goat satay H. Sofyan.
Stall is not too large and is located in front of the bike market, right in the roadway, Tripe. Easily recognizable because it is located right in the middle of a bicycle dealer.
In accordance with a banner that is located in front of the shop, here you can enjoy goat sate gule. Meat goats are still hung on a wooden cabinet. "The meat freshly cut and stabbed so there are customers who come," said Sumiati, eldest daughter of H. Sofyan.
To add to the deliciousness of goat satay, Sumiati only adds soy sauce, chilli and red onion slices. After that skewers served with hot rice. It was delicious eaten in the evening and night time hari.Tapi, does not mean you have to wait for the evening came to taste it. Sumiati already started to open her store from 09.00 and closes at 22:00 "Well, it if is still there. Isha is usually discharged to go home, "I am a woman who every day are cutting two goats.
ING LAN Wingko Loe
Another characteristic of comestible Lamongan town, namely wingko. Made from sticky rice and coconut with a sweet taste. Round and brown.
In Lamongan wingko usually sold in stores or shops souvenirs wingko seller. But, if you want the original you can buy it at Tripe, Lamongan. The area was known as a manufacturing center wingko long ago.
The most famous is wingko wingko Loe Lan Ing. Wingko manufacturing company operating since tens of years, is located in the roadway, Tripe. The owner is the mother Loe Lan Ing.
There are three types of wingko which can be tried, wingko coconut, jackfruit and wingko wingko chocolate flavor. Denis wingko last is the development of the coconut. But even so wingko most preferred coconut oil buyers because the flavor is very pronounced.
Wingko is available in two forms, large and small. Large packaging wingko 15 centimeters in diameter was packed with baking paper. This packaging has never changed from the beginning until now.
Wingko addition, the company also makes a black glutinous rice porridge mixed with sesame oil. This porridge be branded and packed with plastic roses. In a plastic, contains four pieces of black glutinous rice porridge small.
Although made from black glutinous rice, porridge is not sticky digigi, lo. It was delicious and very legit. The price is quite affordable. One plastic is sold at Rp 2,500.
While wingkonya sold at Rp 10,000. It fits perfectly framed by the stand-by for up to 4 days in refrigerator. Time to eat, can be steamed to warm wingko
If you ask where the seller soto ayam Lamongan most crowded in Lamongan, must be answered Depot Asih Jaya. This depot is located in the JI. Panglima Sudirman, the main streets of Surabaya to Bali.
"This Depot has been open since 0600 and was closed at midnight," explained H. Mahfud Ali (60) owner of the Depot Asih Jaya.
Ali accidentally opened warungya that long. Warungya understandable strategic location. Customers not just from Lamongan. Even up to Jakarta.
At lunch and holidays, can be ascertained by the depot was crowded with shoppers. According to Ali, the height of the buyer because the flavor suitable to the taste of homemade soup buyers. "If no match, yes, not going to come back, to," he said without the impression of bragging.
Lamongan Soto is soto ayam kampung with murky soup. "It's color is less attractive due to the addition of various spices. But that was the key, "I'm Ali, who each require 75 days that village chickens.
Turbid color also comes from milkfish and shrimp were added to the chicken stew. "This is what makes it so steady," said Ali.
Sotonya itself only consists of few Soun and shredded chicken. Can also added uritan or young chicken eggs and chicken liver. His name is soto special.
For a special serving of soup with rice Lamongan separately sold at nine thousand. "But if the rice directly into the soup, it costs only Rp 8,000," explained the man who has been selling this kind of soup since 1968.
For the usual serving of soup Lamongan price of Rp 5500. This is the combined price for rice soup. If separated, has to add USD $ 1500.
Toward evening, special food that can be purchased is out of this. Seller of this food can be found around the square and Lamongan clothing market.
Since at 16 o'clock they've started to hold a new tent to sell and close at midnight.
As the name suggests, you know this mix is full of content. Not just three species, but up to six kinds, lo. Ie, tofu, lettuce, bean sprouts, yellow noodles, cakes, and crackers. "Yellow cakes and shape of the box," said Sueb sellers know the market mix in front of clothing.
His name was, hell, meatball, but do not be surprised if it was like cassava. Because these cakes are made from cassava mixed with potatoes. When bitten feels springy.
In order to know the mix feels good, given the form of paste and chili seasoning. Both materials are mixed directly on the plate before the given piece of know, lettuce, yellow noodles, cakes, and gravy poured contain large pieces kikil
"But no hard kikilnya. I ngerebusnya three hours. After it was boiled again in the soup. Mayonnaise is my season with walnut, garlic, and ginger, so it's tasty, "assure the continued sales efforts Sueb know his parents intervened.
By Sueb, platter know intervene appreciated USD 3500 complete with a beverage. Afternoons and evenings are the most appropriate time to eat these foods. Warm and filling
Besides soto Lamongan and knew of it, there's more typical food Lamongan town. Residents there used to call it nasi boranan. The name was derived from the place of rice stores, Boran. "Hence, rice boranan called," Mother said boranan Nduk who sells rice since four years ago.
Boranan rice served with banana leaf-covered container. His friend, urap or krawu from papaya, long beans, and bean sprouts. Lauknya there are a variety of tempe and tofu, fried fish, shrimp, pancakes, until the chicken fries.
"It's all just an additional side dish, lo. Originally, rice boranan just eaten with soft, matted bark, nuts and dent, "explained a woman who sells on the street front of the RSU Muhamadiyah KH. Ahmad Dahlan, this Lamongan.
Soft is a mixture of rice flour, cassava, and wheat. This dough is formed a small circle and fried. It was tempting because it mixed with garlic and salt.
While bark dreadlocks made from cassava and grated coconut. Just as the soft, matted bark matured in a way fried.
Rice boranan should wear a special dish that is cooked with fish sill spicy sauce. "But I do not wear sili fish. Difficult, because there are usually only fit Hari Raya, "I Nduk while busy serving customers.
Since there are no fish sill, Nduk using curse of the living fish in freshwater fish is the meat soft and a little prickly.
Boranan rice enthusiasts not only from Lamongan. Another city resident who stopped in here, happy to also try the deliciousness of rice boranan. Moreover, the price is quite affordable, USD 2500, complete with a piece of fried fish or chicken.
It takes patience to look for food. Section, the seller knows nothing mangkal tek. They drive around, taking out a distinctive voice, tek, tek, tek.
This sound comes from the wok who was beaten with a small iron. Echoes of his voice could be heard far enough in the evenings. "Yes, that's a sign that the seller knew there tek pass," said Mr. Setu.
Unlike mixed-rich content to know, know very little technical content. Just know, rice cake, bean sprouts, and crackers. But to know more than the amount of rice cake.
Sauces is a mixture of paste, soy sauce, peanut, and chili, but the flavor is more prominent petisnya.
"Because it feels a little bitter. But it's like it knows tek Lamongan, 'said the man who had 11 years to sell out this tek.
Sambal pulverized in a clay cobek then splashed to the edge of tofu and rice cake. Setu accidentally sells between 19 o'clock till 24 o'clock. Not gone up is sure to come back to his home in Kemlaten, Lamongan. "Taylor finished can be stored longer. Wong, mentahan material. if the bean sprouts and lontongnya, yes, thrown away, "said Setu which sells a plate to know tek worth USD three thousand.
ES Dawet Siwalan
Despite its name Dawet ice, do not expect to find. Dawet therein. That there is actually translucent white herwarna fruit slices.
Penyuguhannya added coconut milk and legend. Now, this legendary tree sap obtained from the intercepts. The color is golden brown and slightly thickened.
When taken instantly felt like he was enjoying a young coconut. Only the difference between direct legen ambush perfume nose.
"Actually the drink was only available in the area Paciran Lamongan. I am interested to sell ice Dawet palm because no one sells in the city, "explained Choirulhuda (38), the only ice seller in the plaza Dawet Lamongan. Like the food vendors at the plaza area, Choirulhuda began trading at 16.00. "Usually at 20:00 I had finished merchandise. If Sunday was even more rapid. Sunset-Sunset has been finished, "I am the man who sold Rp 1,000 per glass.
Every day no less than 25 diolahnya become Dawet palm fruit. While for legennya spent three 1.5 liter bottles. All materials were
by Choirul imported straight from Paciran. "I intentionally took it from there. As the quality is good. So customer satisfaction, "says this bespectacled man.
MARKET snacks
If the morning visiting the vegetable market Lamongan, you'll find a number of tempting snacks market. The seller of this market snacks did not occupy specific blocks. They spread out among the vegetable sellers, food, and cooking ingredients. the usual type of snack market is klebet peddled corn. Made from finely ground corn and were given white sugar. Cone shape and wrapped in corn leaves.
This yellow cake corn flavor are very dominant. Even though the sweet corn is still felt had been given sugar. Seller of this cake can be found at the entrance near the vegetable sellers. Sold along with other cakes, like a donut, bowsprit, and the cake layer by Mrs. Sumirah.
Other options, opaque lodo. This food looks attractive because of the pink and yellow. Packaged in small plastic bags.
"The material is sticky rice and sugar. Once dried, fried in the sand, "explained Tuminah, the seller opaque lodo. This is very crisp and opaque. It was sweet. Because it does not match served with rice. More delicious eaten as is, as a snack.
There are more clips, similar to the opaque lodo. Are both made from glutinous rice, only a flat shape and taste delicious. How to make, the dough is pinched as he burned. There are three kinds of the color, pink, white, and yellow. Pins made of glutinous rice in addition, there are also those from corn starch. Of course it was not selegit clips from glutinous rice. Unfortunately not easy to distinguish because of the new light after taste.
Walk to the right side of the market, right near the kitchen spice seller, you can find a seller gantesan and rice putu. This is similar to gemblong Gantesan. Only it was white. If putu fields, elliptical shape and the color green.
Inside the glutinous rice flour dough is hidden contents of green beans. While the exterior sprinkled with grated coconut. "Yes, it's savory, not sweet because there is no sugar," explained Mrs. Sri.
Side by side with Mrs. Sri, you can taste the porridge mix. This name is very appropriate to the content and color of these foods. Black from black rice, red pearl, white from glutinous rice porridge, and brown from canil.
Porridge is very sweet. Because it should be presented with watery coconut milk. Must eat it still warm, because there was so cold porridge will mengumpal. In addition to porridge, no more comestible suitable for breakfast. Lempok, srebel, blendong, ngempol bran, corn paren, and bran srubuk. This food is made from corn, cassava, and green beans. "I'll eat it with grated coconut tasty," said Rimpan.
Although the species vary, snacks are sold at market price of corn, opaque lodo, bobby pins, gantesan, and rice putu. Slurry mix is sold at Rp 1,000 per pack.
While lempok, srebel, blendong, ngempol bran, corn paren, and bran srubuk, is sold under the buyer. Usually buyers buy between USD 500 to USD 1500 with a type according to taste.
If comestible clamp easily found in traditional markets, is not the case with roll pins. Tapioca flour confectionery of this can only be found in the souvenir shop. "Materials and more expensive ketimbangjepit usual," I Siti Halimah, makers roll pins.
roll clamp using tapioca and sugar, while the clamp eat glutinous rice flour. Jepitgulung color was white only. How to cook it that makes both are equally called flops.
"Lha, bikinnya way it used cast iron, hence the name-flops," said Siti who pursue this business since 1990 this year. Although using a mold, to make the roll pin maker must withstand heat. Tapioca dough, sugar, and sesame must be rolled while it's hot. To release from mold was also done by hand.
"Well, if the anticipated cold, hard dough trigger, not rolled up," said Siti while busy making roll-flops. pins that have been rolled up, is then placed on a board, like a cutting board to cool. Only after it was packaged.
Usually, only roll pins arranged in a large tin. But there are also packaged in plastic. "If the plastic only for orders only. but to store disposable cans, that are more resistant to six months, "explained the woman was childless second.
Every day in her home kitchen in the area Sidokumpul, Siti make roll pins from the 4.5 kilograms of dough. Then sold USD 16 thousand per kilogram to fix without sesame. "Pakal sesame so Rp 20 thousand per kilogram," Siti said kindly.
In the town of Lamongan, the favorite dish is rice boranan. But in Tripe, an administrative town in Lamongan, goat satay even close to the tongue citizens. Well, goat satay stalls are subscribed citizens goat satay H. Sofyan.
Stall is not too large and is located in front of the bike market, right in the roadway, Tripe. Easily recognizable because it is located right in the middle of a bicycle dealer.
In accordance with a banner that is located in front of the shop, here you can enjoy goat sate gule. Meat goats are still hung on a wooden cabinet. "The meat freshly cut and stabbed so there are customers who come," said Sumiati, eldest daughter of H. Sofyan.
To add to the deliciousness of goat satay, Sumiati only adds soy sauce, chilli and red onion slices. After that skewers served with hot rice. It was delicious eaten in the evening and night time hari.Tapi, does not mean you have to wait for the evening came to taste it. Sumiati already started to open her store from 09.00 and closes at 22:00 "Well, it if is still there. Isha is usually discharged to go home, "I am a woman who every day are cutting two goats.
ING LAN Wingko Loe
Another characteristic of comestible Lamongan town, namely wingko. Made from sticky rice and coconut with a sweet taste. Round and brown.
In Lamongan wingko usually sold in stores or shops souvenirs wingko seller. But, if you want the original you can buy it at Tripe, Lamongan. The area was known as a manufacturing center wingko long ago.
The most famous is wingko wingko Loe Lan Ing. Wingko manufacturing company operating since tens of years, is located in the roadway, Tripe. The owner is the mother Loe Lan Ing.
There are three types of wingko which can be tried, wingko coconut, jackfruit and wingko wingko chocolate flavor. Denis wingko last is the development of the coconut. But even so wingko most preferred coconut oil buyers because the flavor is very pronounced.
Wingko is available in two forms, large and small. Large packaging wingko 15 centimeters in diameter was packed with baking paper. This packaging has never changed from the beginning until now.
Wingko addition, the company also makes a black glutinous rice porridge mixed with sesame oil. This porridge be branded and packed with plastic roses. In a plastic, contains four pieces of black glutinous rice porridge small.
Although made from black glutinous rice, porridge is not sticky digigi, lo. It was delicious and very legit. The price is quite affordable. One plastic is sold at Rp 2,500.
While wingkonya sold at Rp 10,000. It fits perfectly framed by the stand-by for up to 4 days in refrigerator. Time to eat, can be steamed to warm wingko
Rabu, 18 Februari 2009
Finding Food in Surabaya
Once in Surabaya, was first rujak cingurlah should we seek. Lots of spicy snack shop that provides this paste. From food courts in various malls, traditional markets, to street vendors.
Rujak cingur, similar to the gado-gado. Only, in addition to vegetables, various fruits are also used commonly dirujak, and a few pieces cingur. In it we can also find bendoyo or krai (a type of cucumber stew). But the most distinguishing petisnya course. Peanut flavoring mixed with shrimp paste until the color turns black. Colours and smells are stung frequently make this snack less acceptable part of other communities. But much like it, instantly "smitten" and addiction.
One well-known seller rujak cingur located in Surabaya Jl. Veterans. The USD is relatively expensive. 10 thousand per portion. While in the Market and Market Blauran tiles ranges from Rp. 2000 - Rp. 3000. But, nonetheless, a myriad buyers. "You see, rujak cingurnya durable. So we can bring home for souvenirs out of town," said one buyer who together Polianthes Momentarily waiting orders.
Lontong racing
Like rujak cingur, rice cake dish racing also includes the much sought after person. Shaped like a soup. In it there are a few pieces of rice cake, lentho (cakes of cassava and peanut-fried), dry fried tofu, and bean sprouts. Then doused with sauce. We can eat it with satay sauce and cayenne pepper shells.
Lontong racing is also very easy to find. Only the most frequently visited is a small shop owned by Cak To lontong racing at Jl. Raya Gubeng. Although kiosk nonpermanen and reside in a crowded street, but every day rice cake stall was racing Cak To be able to spend four kg of bean sprouts and 15 kg of rice for rice cake. Of course there are many other racing rice cake, either hung or are selling on tour. Average price ranges from Rp. 2000 - Rp. 3000.
KUPANG lontong
If it headed toward the airport toward the city Sidoharjo Juanda, on the right side of the road we will find a number of stalls which present special rice cake kupang only. Since Singapore is close to the sea, not surprising that many servings of seafood. One of them, yes, lontong kupang.
Kupang is itself a kind of sea scallops into small shapes. Only the 3-4 milli-sized course. Mussel and pan-fried garlic and green onions. Usually eaten with rice cake which poured kupang pieces and gravy. To eliminate odors amisnya, usually dikucuri lime juice. For those who like a spicy flavor, we can eat them by adding cayenne pepper sauce.
Surabaya is also popular with sotonya. Like any other typical food of Surabaya, soto easily be found throughout the city. One of the famous in Surabaya is Soto Pak Sadi, located on Jl. Ambengan. Soto, which is presented here is chicken soup with Soun, and pieces of boiled chicken eggs.
Soto Together, we can also choose other suitable dishes, including satay made from pieces of chicken skin, viscera, young egg, or brutu. Certainly not forget accompanied by a sprinkling of shrimp crackers that have been mashed.
What about the beef soup. Well, kind of soup like this could we find in Gubeng, between jl. Nations and Kusuma Jl. Ketabang time. Like soto on Jl. Ambengan which later became known as Ambengan soto, soto meat is also popular with Gubeng soto name. Usually this kind of soup meat can be eaten with rice cake or rice.
Soto meat is still around, if you happen to run out the streets and buy souvenirs at the Tile Market, you can also stop at Soto Cak Riban. Well, that was a soto soto Madura. Not hard to find her bar. From a distance the sign is clearly visible.
ES Degan
Es Degan including the best-selling beverages in Surabaya. It's known simply hot air. As you can imagine, right, take a walk in the sun and sipping a glass of fresh ice degan, well, we thirst vanished.
Es degan no different to the coconut ice in general. Somewhat different is the fresh coconut water. If you're lucky to get a young coconut, sweet taste of course beat sirupnya.
Lots of soda degan. Even in the restaurants or shops soto, es degan including beverages which we always find. But the flash of a coincidence Polianthes has visited Singapore several times, always persuaded to taste the ice on the Exchange degan Kupang located on the right side of the road to Juanda airport. It feels really fresh because actually coconut water is used intact.
ES sinom
This drink is actually a kind of herbal medicine. Because it seems like the herb turmeric acid. The difference can be drunk ice sinom anyone because of his usefulness to subside in the heat. Sinom is a tamarind tree leaves are still young. Then milled together with turmeric, tamarind and sugar Java. The mixture was then blackmailed. Delicious when served in a state of cold or with ice.
Sinom ice can be found in several places, especially in traditional markets such as Tile Market. Usually the mixture is placed in the bottles laid on the table. Although not as much ice degan fans, but this drink does not mean lack of any fans, lo. "If you already have ice sinom not only lost her thirst, the body was so fresh," said a mother who claimed to buy ice sinom almost every day.
Make one of Surabaya, is the most delicious pecel pecel clover. From his name we can guess that in it there is stew cloverleaf. Living on the edge of the leaf river is boiled or steamed and served with boiled bean sprouts.
The sauce is somewhat different with the sauce pecel in general. Sauce pecel clover not only consist of peanut ingredients plus seasonings, but also lumatan beans boiled cassava. Until the sauce really thick. And as a flavor, laced with shrimp paste.
Feel? Clearly delicious, especially if the plate grounded banana leaves or use pincuk. Usually people are not eating with a spoon, but with crackers pulleys used as a spoon. Cracker cracker pulleys are made from cassava flour.
Pecel clover easily obtained in the morning. Many mothers peddling berkeling pecel clover since morning till about 1 o'clock in the afternoon. But if by chance are less fortunate to get it, there's still a sell pecel clover until the night that the Rays Supermarkets, Jl. Bintoro and Pujasera on Jl. Diponegoro.
While other pecel must try is Pecel Keputran Market. Hours open from half past nine at night until early morning. Fans are not limited to age, and always stand in line! Presented is rice noodles pecel plus fries, scrambled eggs and a little sprinkling of bacem empal beef. Wow, yummy!
MARKET snacks
Every evening at dusk, around Jl. Pandegiling there is always a market shock. In addition to selling clothes and shoes, these markets also diramaikan with typical food servings Surabaya.
There we can find the cookies that were eaten with grated coconut or juruh (palm sugar is melted) like klepon, lupis, putu, and klepon. Especially for klepon, the presentation is somewhat different. Klepon which had not been boiled directly overthrown in the grated coconut then boiled, but piled on the plate. When there is a buy, a few pieces put on new leaves sprinkled with coconut. So, klepon dicocolkan eaten.
In addition to wet cakes, there are also pastries. For example, klanting, pastry made from fried starch. You can also buy kulpang. Which is made from rice flour that was shaped like a rice cake. Presented after sliced thick 1 / 2 cm.
Among the sellers was a cake, fried traders also slipped. Gorengannya no different types of fried food in other cities such as fried bananas, bananas molen, or fried tofu. But the extra-large size. Until eating one or two pieces, we are already full stomach.
One of the tasty snacks that are lemet corn. It maintains loose maize sago and corn dough. Sweet-savory taste sweet. Uniquely, the cake was wrapped in corn leaves disemat by a stick.
If the roadside stall in Jakarta, many selling fried chicken, the other in Surabaya. Most of the stalls selling duck rice. Contents of fried duck and fresh vegetables. Do not back up with the duck meat which, according to people a lot and it smells fishy taste. Duck rice in Surabaya, far from it. It turns out the secret, before being fried, the duck dibacem with spices. It was savory and salty. The meat was really soft like chicken.
Obviously not all duck rice stall promising taste really good. In Singapore there are two duck rice stalls are well liked. First, in Pecindilan Market. The owner is Ms. Wagini. Open from 5 pm, and closes at 7 tonight. Not because it does not sell, but buyers hired out.
When the presentation is divided into four pieces of fried duck, consisting of the chest, thighs, brutu (tail), and wings. Paws, viscera and heads are sold separately. Wagini overnight could sell 110 ducks.
Duck rice in Surabaya fans are not half-hearted. Duck rice in Coral Four, a day provides 350 ducks. That, too, we must arrive before 7pm. After that, the best duck pieces have been purchased people. Not until nine o'clock that night, stalls located on the edge of the road was closed. Both are served with hot rice and chilli paste plus fresh vegetables.
By a typical BY-SURABAYA
For the fruit of hands in the house, let's try to Kenjeran the Old Market. Its location near the amusement park Kenjeran Coast. There sold a variety of crackers from processed seafood. Besides a variety of crackers, potato chips, prawn sauce, there are also a variety of dry foods such as, intestinal sea shells, fish skin crackers, until paste.
Once in Surabaya, was first rujak cingurlah should we seek. Lots of spicy snack shop that provides this paste. From food courts in various malls, traditional markets, to street vendors.
Rujak cingur, similar to the gado-gado. Only, in addition to vegetables, various fruits are also used commonly dirujak, and a few pieces cingur. In it we can also find bendoyo or krai (a type of cucumber stew). But the most distinguishing petisnya course. Peanut flavoring mixed with shrimp paste until the color turns black. Colours and smells are stung frequently make this snack less acceptable part of other communities. But much like it, instantly "smitten" and addiction.
One well-known seller rujak cingur located in Surabaya Jl. Veterans. The USD is relatively expensive. 10 thousand per portion. While in the Market and Market Blauran tiles ranges from Rp. 2000 - Rp. 3000. But, nonetheless, a myriad buyers. "You see, rujak cingurnya durable. So we can bring home for souvenirs out of town," said one buyer who together Polianthes Momentarily waiting orders.
Lontong racing
Like rujak cingur, rice cake dish racing also includes the much sought after person. Shaped like a soup. In it there are a few pieces of rice cake, lentho (cakes of cassava and peanut-fried), dry fried tofu, and bean sprouts. Then doused with sauce. We can eat it with satay sauce and cayenne pepper shells.
Lontong racing is also very easy to find. Only the most frequently visited is a small shop owned by Cak To lontong racing at Jl. Raya Gubeng. Although kiosk nonpermanen and reside in a crowded street, but every day rice cake stall was racing Cak To be able to spend four kg of bean sprouts and 15 kg of rice for rice cake. Of course there are many other racing rice cake, either hung or are selling on tour. Average price ranges from Rp. 2000 - Rp. 3000.
KUPANG lontong
If it headed toward the airport toward the city Sidoharjo Juanda, on the right side of the road we will find a number of stalls which present special rice cake kupang only. Since Singapore is close to the sea, not surprising that many servings of seafood. One of them, yes, lontong kupang.
Kupang is itself a kind of sea scallops into small shapes. Only the 3-4 milli-sized course. Mussel and pan-fried garlic and green onions. Usually eaten with rice cake which poured kupang pieces and gravy. To eliminate odors amisnya, usually dikucuri lime juice. For those who like a spicy flavor, we can eat them by adding cayenne pepper sauce.
Surabaya is also popular with sotonya. Like any other typical food of Surabaya, soto easily be found throughout the city. One of the famous in Surabaya is Soto Pak Sadi, located on Jl. Ambengan. Soto, which is presented here is chicken soup with Soun, and pieces of boiled chicken eggs.
Soto Together, we can also choose other suitable dishes, including satay made from pieces of chicken skin, viscera, young egg, or brutu. Certainly not forget accompanied by a sprinkling of shrimp crackers that have been mashed.
What about the beef soup. Well, kind of soup like this could we find in Gubeng, between jl. Nations and Kusuma Jl. Ketabang time. Like soto on Jl. Ambengan which later became known as Ambengan soto, soto meat is also popular with Gubeng soto name. Usually this kind of soup meat can be eaten with rice cake or rice.
Soto meat is still around, if you happen to run out the streets and buy souvenirs at the Tile Market, you can also stop at Soto Cak Riban. Well, that was a soto soto Madura. Not hard to find her bar. From a distance the sign is clearly visible.
ES Degan
Es Degan including the best-selling beverages in Surabaya. It's known simply hot air. As you can imagine, right, take a walk in the sun and sipping a glass of fresh ice degan, well, we thirst vanished.
Es degan no different to the coconut ice in general. Somewhat different is the fresh coconut water. If you're lucky to get a young coconut, sweet taste of course beat sirupnya.
Lots of soda degan. Even in the restaurants or shops soto, es degan including beverages which we always find. But the flash of a coincidence Polianthes has visited Singapore several times, always persuaded to taste the ice on the Exchange degan Kupang located on the right side of the road to Juanda airport. It feels really fresh because actually coconut water is used intact.
ES sinom
This drink is actually a kind of herbal medicine. Because it seems like the herb turmeric acid. The difference can be drunk ice sinom anyone because of his usefulness to subside in the heat. Sinom is a tamarind tree leaves are still young. Then milled together with turmeric, tamarind and sugar Java. The mixture was then blackmailed. Delicious when served in a state of cold or with ice.
Sinom ice can be found in several places, especially in traditional markets such as Tile Market. Usually the mixture is placed in the bottles laid on the table. Although not as much ice degan fans, but this drink does not mean lack of any fans, lo. "If you already have ice sinom not only lost her thirst, the body was so fresh," said a mother who claimed to buy ice sinom almost every day.
Make one of Surabaya, is the most delicious pecel pecel clover. From his name we can guess that in it there is stew cloverleaf. Living on the edge of the leaf river is boiled or steamed and served with boiled bean sprouts.
The sauce is somewhat different with the sauce pecel in general. Sauce pecel clover not only consist of peanut ingredients plus seasonings, but also lumatan beans boiled cassava. Until the sauce really thick. And as a flavor, laced with shrimp paste.
Feel? Clearly delicious, especially if the plate grounded banana leaves or use pincuk. Usually people are not eating with a spoon, but with crackers pulleys used as a spoon. Cracker cracker pulleys are made from cassava flour.
Pecel clover easily obtained in the morning. Many mothers peddling berkeling pecel clover since morning till about 1 o'clock in the afternoon. But if by chance are less fortunate to get it, there's still a sell pecel clover until the night that the Rays Supermarkets, Jl. Bintoro and Pujasera on Jl. Diponegoro.
While other pecel must try is Pecel Keputran Market. Hours open from half past nine at night until early morning. Fans are not limited to age, and always stand in line! Presented is rice noodles pecel plus fries, scrambled eggs and a little sprinkling of bacem empal beef. Wow, yummy!
MARKET snacks
Every evening at dusk, around Jl. Pandegiling there is always a market shock. In addition to selling clothes and shoes, these markets also diramaikan with typical food servings Surabaya.
There we can find the cookies that were eaten with grated coconut or juruh (palm sugar is melted) like klepon, lupis, putu, and klepon. Especially for klepon, the presentation is somewhat different. Klepon which had not been boiled directly overthrown in the grated coconut then boiled, but piled on the plate. When there is a buy, a few pieces put on new leaves sprinkled with coconut. So, klepon dicocolkan eaten.
In addition to wet cakes, there are also pastries. For example, klanting, pastry made from fried starch. You can also buy kulpang. Which is made from rice flour that was shaped like a rice cake. Presented after sliced thick 1 / 2 cm.
Among the sellers was a cake, fried traders also slipped. Gorengannya no different types of fried food in other cities such as fried bananas, bananas molen, or fried tofu. But the extra-large size. Until eating one or two pieces, we are already full stomach.
One of the tasty snacks that are lemet corn. It maintains loose maize sago and corn dough. Sweet-savory taste sweet. Uniquely, the cake was wrapped in corn leaves disemat by a stick.
If the roadside stall in Jakarta, many selling fried chicken, the other in Surabaya. Most of the stalls selling duck rice. Contents of fried duck and fresh vegetables. Do not back up with the duck meat which, according to people a lot and it smells fishy taste. Duck rice in Surabaya, far from it. It turns out the secret, before being fried, the duck dibacem with spices. It was savory and salty. The meat was really soft like chicken.
Obviously not all duck rice stall promising taste really good. In Singapore there are two duck rice stalls are well liked. First, in Pecindilan Market. The owner is Ms. Wagini. Open from 5 pm, and closes at 7 tonight. Not because it does not sell, but buyers hired out.
When the presentation is divided into four pieces of fried duck, consisting of the chest, thighs, brutu (tail), and wings. Paws, viscera and heads are sold separately. Wagini overnight could sell 110 ducks.
Duck rice in Surabaya fans are not half-hearted. Duck rice in Coral Four, a day provides 350 ducks. That, too, we must arrive before 7pm. After that, the best duck pieces have been purchased people. Not until nine o'clock that night, stalls located on the edge of the road was closed. Both are served with hot rice and chilli paste plus fresh vegetables.
By a typical BY-SURABAYA
For the fruit of hands in the house, let's try to Kenjeran the Old Market. Its location near the amusement park Kenjeran Coast. There sold a variety of crackers from processed seafood. Besides a variety of crackers, potato chips, prawn sauce, there are also a variety of dry foods such as, intestinal sea shells, fish skin crackers, until paste.
Selasa, 17 Februari 2009
Lontong Racing(Balap), Food Surabaya
One of the typical food of Surabaya is Lontong Racing! Why called Lontong Racing? Lontong necessarily obvious, is cooked with rice wrapped in leaves, so that when cooked in a state of aggregation, according to the shape of the leaf bundle. And what about race? What lontongnya always racing and racing (races)?
Indeed there is no definite historical evidence about the origin of why one of the Surabaya special food is called Lontong Racing. But there's a story circulating in the indigenous town of Surabaya on the origins of the name. Before named like that, racing lontong sold using pole, vegetable seedling is inserted in a large pot of soil. Pot soil borne in front and behind (two pieces). Because kualinya large and heavy, people automatically assume when run will try to walk fast to fast until the destination. Because running quickly and in a hurry as impressed as race (races), until such munculah Racing Lontong name. Although in these days, the seller Lontong Racing had not used the pole again, the name Lontong Racing has become a trademark of one of the Surabaya cuisine.
Racing Lontong contains a portion of rice cake, tofu and fried sliced lentho small. Lentho it was some kind of blended from cassava cakes and Tolo nuts. Then add bean sprouts (bean sprouts) in a rather large portion, tasty sauce and washed down with a sharp garlic-scented. And then sprinkled with fried shallots which is certainly making Lontong Racing becomes more tempting, is the final touch of chilli paste. Usually served with Satay Lontong Racing Shells and Es Degan (young coconut).
There are many sellers Lontong Racing in Singapore, but there are two places are quite famous for the delicacy of his Lontong Racing. The first is the seller Lontong Kepanjen road racing in the area, right around in front of SMPN2 Surabaya. It is said that the seller Lontong Racing here has handed down from the 1970s. And the second is Fat Pak Lontong Racing can be found in the area Kranggan road, quite a lot of customers. Reportedly even artists such as Ahmad Dhani and Andra, if returned to Surabaya always taking the time to enjoy the racing Lontong Mr. Fat.
Senin, 16 Februari 2009
Semanggi Surabaya, Surabaya Special Food
If you visit in Singapore, of course, you will find that middle-aged mothers walk from village to village carrying snacks by using a place made of woven bamboo, yelling "seeeemmaanngggiiiiii". Yups, the mother was peddling called Semanggi Suroboyo comestible. Surabaya cuisine this is very hard to search outside Surabaya, some even say there is no other than in Surabaya. This traditional meal has now expanded restaurants and hotels. Even so if I think it's better to enjoy these foods directly from traditional sellers.
This food is made from clover leaves are boiled and served with steamed bean sprouts and then doused seasoning made from sweet potato or sweet potatoes are boiled and mixed with Javanese sugar, salt, shrimp paste, shrimp paste, a little peanut, and chili. According to the experience of my tongue, this spice that makes a mother nyusss Suroboyo Semanggi.
Food is served in a pincuk made from banana leaves. And how to eat it is to use pulleys crackers made from rice (this function replaces the spoon crackers). Granted, judging from appearances, Semanggi Suroboyo less lucrative, but if felt definitely addicted.
Now in addition to Diet, vendors are also quite unique when considered. Mothers who are selling this very love Semanggi towards Indonesia. Why do I say that? Look, these ladies always use the kebaya and batik cloth.
Interesting to try it? Please try this comestible, but buy own-sendiri.hehehe ...
This food is made from clover leaves are boiled and served with steamed bean sprouts and then doused seasoning made from sweet potato or sweet potatoes are boiled and mixed with Javanese sugar, salt, shrimp paste, shrimp paste, a little peanut, and chili. According to the experience of my tongue, this spice that makes a mother nyusss Suroboyo Semanggi.
Food is served in a pincuk made from banana leaves. And how to eat it is to use pulleys crackers made from rice (this function replaces the spoon crackers). Granted, judging from appearances, Semanggi Suroboyo less lucrative, but if felt definitely addicted.
Now in addition to Diet, vendors are also quite unique when considered. Mothers who are selling this very love Semanggi towards Indonesia. Why do I say that? Look, these ladies always use the kebaya and batik cloth.
Interesting to try it? Please try this comestible, but buy own-sendiri.hehehe ...
Minggu, 15 Februari 2009
About versatile cuisine Surabaya
I was born in the city of Surabaya and currently still reside in the city of Surabaya. If I'm asked by friends about the typical food of Surabaya Surabaya imagine a row of typical foods like Rujak Cingur, Lontong Racing, Semanggi, Rawon and Tofu Tech. You could say the above five types of food is typical food of Surabaya's most widely known and most sought-after by actuators to eat in Singapore and outside Singapore.
First is Rujak Cingur. For me rujak cingur masterpiecenya food is typical of Surabaya. Why? Due to a serving of salad cingur produce powerful and necessary Endang bambang various aspects such as material quality, the proper way of processing both spices and other ingredients and how the presentation. In addition rujak cingur be special for me because salad is a food cingur Surabaya that had many fans but also many people who do not like death. Rujak cingur Surabaya dalah typical food consisting of boiled vegetable, fruits like pineapple, etc. kedondong plus tofu, tempeh fried and then doused the special sauce mixture paste, guajava s epiderm bananas, peanuts, shrimp paste is pulverized until well blended. In Singapore there are several places to eat salad cingur like salad is very well known on the street cingur Barbie Barbie. Rujak Delta Delta Plaza shopping upstairs and tiles Cingur Rujak Durasim.
Next is the Semanggi. Clover leaf clover made of (clubs), which grows wild in many fields and yards, served with bean sprouts and doused with the sauce a bit sweet and savory mixture of sweet potato paste and therefore created the sensation of taste is different and unique. Do not forget, most fun clover eaten with crackers puli (siiip .... Enak Christianity !!!). Although this is the typical food of Surabaya but practically quite difficult lho rarely get it because it was selling its unique clover and clover nearly all sales come from Benowo area of Surabaya. So if you're more computer-mediated Surabaya city and saw the mother with a basket strapped to the back with a stack of crackers pulleys then he is the seller Suroboyo clover. In addition there are also several pujasera in Surabaya like pujasera nikimura in Manyar Jaya housing complex or in the supermarket pujasera Jemursari Rays. Who may also want the atmosphere rather nge-high, could come to the Plaza Surabaya Hotels aja.
The third is Lontong Racing. Frankly many people often wonder lontong racing tuh hell? How come there is rice cake race? Eh proved themselves a lot of Surabaya people who i do not know the origin of the name lontong lho race. Gini story, rice cake seller ancient times and the race carried weight because they are so pretty pikulannya walked with a fast rhythm so it looks like he was racing. Racing consists of rice cake rice cake which is cut into pieces with the seasoning paste sambel (always the black from surabaya) and then doused with sauce that has been cooked bean sprouts and above berkuah given lento (cakes of sweet and green beans or peas Tolo) Hhmmm ... taste? Although the black tetep alias pake always paste but the sensation is different from pleasure tetep rujak cingur or clover. Places to eat rice cake famous in Surabaya racing in the street beside the building Gubeng Bank BNI. Fat Pak Lontong race in front of the cinema Garuda Kranggan road and on the road in front Kepanjen SMPN 2.
After Lontong Racing Surabaya other typical food is Rawon. Rawon stew meat is usually eaten with rice was served in the form alias rice soup poured on top, so often referred also Rawon rawon rice. Rawon usually jet black in color because one of its main ingredient is keluwak and the meat used is beef sanding the existing myopia or lemaknya layer. Friends complementary prawn crackers are a tasty, salted eggs Egypt, as well as a powerful chili paste. Do not forget the bean sprouts sprinkled with short (drool cool ....). But there are also rawon not jet black but brownish like Rawon Nguling famous and have lots of branches. But in general rawon colored black. Rawon a famous eating place in Surabaya, Rawon Satan (because open 11 hours a night when the devil started to walk, but now dah open from morning) in front of Jalan Embong Malang Hotel JW Marriot, Rawon Mbak Endang which has three branches namely in the way HR Mohammad,. Gentengkali road in front of the hotel and the street Simpang Weta Hamlet. The third stall is Rawon Rawon Calculator on the road side Juwono Bungkul Park. Calculators Rawon own name given because of time after they finish eating totalan seller will calculate what we eat in a voice loud enough and fast like a "calculator" life.
Last but not least are Know Tech. This one meal consisting of rice cake, tofu and fried potatoes. Then this material is cut bite sized using scissors with the rhythm of a typical (in Jakarta, this dish can be found under the name Know Scissors). Then mix the sauce poured thereon paste (of course) and peanuts, and bean sprouts sprinkled with small and crackers, it tastes good and solid and tasty.
According to the saga know the name comes from the habit penjajanya tek hit the tip of the frying pan as a sign of being peddled know tek. Places to eat tofu tek the top markotop on the road ahead Dinoyo pujasera Suzanna, his name is Mr. Ali's shop know tek ago in front of the temple Cokroaminoto, precisely Cokroaminoto ya on the road (without a peddler just because every day but hung in there) and the Road Darmo Permai Restaurant Bakom front.
That was my story about the adventures of a typical meal of Surabaya. Indeed if not talking about eating in a cornucopia of Surabaya, Surabaya, in addition to the typical food that I've written above still scattered other eating place in Surabaya. Rawon, cingur salad, etc. The typical food emang very common so do not be surprised if the seller is still a lot of these heroes scattered around the city. Temen-temen can create your own culinary adventure by trying to eat typical places Surabaya later if've met a nice do not forget ... I was told yes. Congratulations culinary adventure and try typical food of Surabaya.
Sabtu, 14 Februari 2009
Papeda - Indonesian cuisine.
Sago or sago, a staple food of the people of Maluku and Papua. Food is available in almost all areas in Maluku and Papua.
Sago is made from corn starch. The creators of the population in the interior of Papua. Sago flour made by pound sago trunk. Trees are good for making sago tree between the ages of three to five years.
At first, the principal cut sago. Then the cob until the juice is squeezed out patinya. Obtained from this quintessence of pure sago flour that is ready diolah.Tepung sago and then stored in a tool called a pack.
Papeda usually eaten with yellow sauce, made from tuna fish or fish flavored mubara and turmeric and lime.
Spoiler for Papeda:
how to make use of sago sago original:
1. Sago flour is ready to be processed is input in the water, then filtered.
2. Then the distillate is mixed with a squeeze of fruit lobby - the lobby
Spoiler for the lobbies:
3. Then the result was a mixture of corn flour mixed with boiling water and mix until blended.
4. Sago will thicken over time, after curdling papeda usually served in sempe (a kind of a big pot). Papeda very peculiar way of taking, using chopsticks similar device called Gata - Gata
5. Papeda ready to eat.
Spoiler for sago:
If there is no genuine sago, sago starch can be made use of farmers. Here is how to make:
100 gr sago flour farm
1000 cc water
1 / 2 teaspoon salt
1 / 2 teaspoon sugar
1. Melt sago flour with 300 cc of water, place in saucepan
2. add salt and sugar
3. boil the remaining water (700 cc)
4. Pour boiling water into a pot which had contained solution
... stir that sago sago cooked evenly.
5. if still not yet mature could mean a very dijerang diapi
little, stirring constantly.
6. Sago is said to have cooked if it has a clear
all ... if there is still milky white .. who is not yet ripe.
7. papeda appearance is similar to freehand dr glue or starch ...
ongol2, only ongol2 brown (because given the brown sugar)
Sago is made from corn starch. The creators of the population in the interior of Papua. Sago flour made by pound sago trunk. Trees are good for making sago tree between the ages of three to five years.
At first, the principal cut sago. Then the cob until the juice is squeezed out patinya. Obtained from this quintessence of pure sago flour that is ready diolah.Tepung sago and then stored in a tool called a pack.
Papeda usually eaten with yellow sauce, made from tuna fish or fish flavored mubara and turmeric and lime.
Spoiler for Papeda:
how to make use of sago sago original:
1. Sago flour is ready to be processed is input in the water, then filtered.
2. Then the distillate is mixed with a squeeze of fruit lobby - the lobby
Spoiler for the lobbies:
3. Then the result was a mixture of corn flour mixed with boiling water and mix until blended.
4. Sago will thicken over time, after curdling papeda usually served in sempe (a kind of a big pot). Papeda very peculiar way of taking, using chopsticks similar device called Gata - Gata
5. Papeda ready to eat.
Spoiler for sago:
If there is no genuine sago, sago starch can be made use of farmers. Here is how to make:
100 gr sago flour farm
1000 cc water
1 / 2 teaspoon salt
1 / 2 teaspoon sugar
1. Melt sago flour with 300 cc of water, place in saucepan
2. add salt and sugar
3. boil the remaining water (700 cc)
4. Pour boiling water into a pot which had contained solution
... stir that sago sago cooked evenly.
5. if still not yet mature could mean a very dijerang diapi
little, stirring constantly.
6. Sago is said to have cooked if it has a clear
all ... if there is still milky white .. who is not yet ripe.
7. papeda appearance is similar to freehand dr glue or starch ...
ongol2, only ongol2 brown (because given the brown sugar)
Jumat, 13 Februari 2009
Soto, special food most popular INDONESIA
Soto, sroto, or coto is a typical Indonesian food made from meat and vegetable broth. The most common meat used is beef and chicken, but also pigs and goats. Various regions in Indonesia have their own type of soup, with different content, such as Soto Madura Kediri soto, soto Betawi, Soto Padang, soto Bandung, Sokaraja soto, soto Banjar, coto Makassar. Soto was also named after the abortion, for example, soto ayam, soto tripe, goat soup. Soto has many similarities with the soup.
Because there are several kinds of soup in Indonesia, each has a way of presenting different. Soto could be served with various toppings, such as crackers, cakes, chips melinjo, chili sauce, peanut sauce, and others. And also it is with such other additional boiled egg satay, satay shells, lime, Koya (mixed stack of chips with garlic), etc.. As we all know that the Indonesian staple food is rice, so the soup is usually served with rice as the main menu. However, there are differences in terms of rice is the main menu. Most soup with rice was served separately, such as Soto Betawi, Soto Padang, and others. However, there is also served along with rice or rice soup mix, for example Holy Soto. In addition, there is also a kind of soup served with rice cake or rice cooked with banana leaf, for example Coto Makassar. Then, there is also the use of noodles, not rice as the main menu, for example Soto Mie Bogor.
Soto Tasikmalaya
1 kampung chicken, cut in two parts
1 liter of coconut milk from grated coconut 1
1 stalk spring onion, cut into 1 cm
2 stalks lemongrass, dimemarkan
3 cm galangal, dimemarkan
2 bay leaves
Subtle Seasonings:
1 / 4 teaspoon pepper
2 cloves garlic
2 eggs roasted hazelnut
1 1 / 2 teaspoon salt
How to Make:
1. Boil chicken in coconut milk with spices, bay leaves, lemongrass, and galangal until seasoning is absorbed and chicken is cooked.
2. Remove the chicken and then-Suir Suir. Serve hot with a sprinkling of green onion.
Serves 6
Soto Grombyang (Pemalang)
Brisket 500 grams of meat, cut kotak2 cm
50 grams of coconut and a half old, peeled and grated coarse
3 tablespoons taoco
2 bay leaves
3 stalks lemongrass, dimemarkan
1500 ml
5 tablespoons fried onions
6 red onions
3 cloves garlic
4 kluwek meat and fruit
1 tablespoon + 2 teaspoons salt
3 teaspoons brown sugar
1. Toasted shredded coconut until browned, set aside.
2. Boil the meat, taoco, bay leaf, lemongrass, toasted coconut, and spices.
3. Cook until seasoning is absorbed and meat is tender.
4. Serve with fried onions.
Serves 6
Soto Mahakam (Samarinda)
A village chickens
3500 ml broth
1 stalk celery, tied
5 onions, thinly sliced
1 cm cinnamon
3 grains of cloves
1 / 8 teaspoon nutmeg powder
2 cm ginger, dimemarkan
5 cm in sugarcane
2 tablespoons salt
2 tablespoons soy sauce
10 onions
5 cloves garlic
150 grams of roasted peanuts
Potato cakes
Green onions, sliced finely
Celery, chopped fine
Boiled eggs, chopped
Soun, soaked
Orange juice, water taken
Fried onions
Boil chicken, broth, celery, red onion slices until the chicken is cooked.
Lift ago Suwir, Suwir. Boil again and enter the broth, cinnamon, cloves, nutmeg, ginger and salt tebu.Bubuhkan. Stir-fry ground spices until cooked. Pour in the boiling broth. Add hot sauce to complement manis.Sajikan. Serves 6
Ingredients: 1 chicken
2 stalks lemongrass, crushed
4 kaffir lime leaves
1.5 liter water
2 tsp salt
50 grams of shrimp, fried, mashed
2 spring onions, puree
Spice puree:
6 cloves garlic
2 cm turmeric
1 / 2 tsp powdered galangal
1 cm ginger
2 tsp pepper powder
5 grains of roasted hazelnut
200 grams of Soun, pour boiling water into the boiling water, drained
3 leeks
3 stalks celery
5 para egg, boiled, cut lengthwise
Fried onions
Chili sauce
Sweet soy sauce to taste
Chilli puree: 15 cayenne pepper, boiled
Secukupnyam salt seasonings to taste
1. Braised chicken with lemongrass, lime leaves, and salt until soft.
2. Drain the chicken, then fried until golden-Suwir Suwir.
3. Stir-fry ground spices until fragrant, then add to the broth.
4. Saute the onion finely and mix with shrimp briefly until fragrant, add to the gravy.
5. Serve the soup in a way: put chicken meat, Soun, leaves, egg, into the bowl. Pour the sauce. Give lime juice. Sprinkle with fried onions and koyah.
How to make koyah:
Prawn crackers mixed with fried garlic, then mashed and added with a little salt and sugar and seasonings to taste
Soto Mie Jakarta
kikil (or meat tetelan)
Wet noodle
Cabbage, thinly sliced
Risol, cut into medium
tomato, thinly sliced
celery leaves, finely sliced
chilli pepper
Seasoning sauce:
2 candlenut
2 cloves garlic
4 spring onions
thin slice of ginger, keprek
1 sheet lemongrass
How to make gravy:
1. Boil kikil (tetelan meat) with water until meat is tender.
2. Pepper puree, walnut, garlic and shallots.
3. Stir-fry ground spices until fragrant, put ginger and lemongrass.
4. Enter into the stew stir-fry seasoning tetelan (meat), cook until boiling.
How to make risol:
1. Soak vermicelli in hot water until soft, drain and set aside.
2. Puree the garlic and pepper, stir-fry until fragrant.
3. Enter the noodles, put salt to taste, stir until wilted vermicelli. Lift.
4. Prepare the spring roll skin.
5. Give vermicelli spring rolls and rolls of skin.
6. Fry until golden.
How to make chili sauce:
1. Boil cayenne pepper until wilted.
2. Coarse grind.
3. Give water and lime juice.
1. Arrange the noodle, cabbage, and tomato risol.
2. Pour the sauce plus the meat.
3. Sprinkle the celery leaves and berries chili pepper.
Because there are several kinds of soup in Indonesia, each has a way of presenting different. Soto could be served with various toppings, such as crackers, cakes, chips melinjo, chili sauce, peanut sauce, and others. And also it is with such other additional boiled egg satay, satay shells, lime, Koya (mixed stack of chips with garlic), etc.. As we all know that the Indonesian staple food is rice, so the soup is usually served with rice as the main menu. However, there are differences in terms of rice is the main menu. Most soup with rice was served separately, such as Soto Betawi, Soto Padang, and others. However, there is also served along with rice or rice soup mix, for example Holy Soto. In addition, there is also a kind of soup served with rice cake or rice cooked with banana leaf, for example Coto Makassar. Then, there is also the use of noodles, not rice as the main menu, for example Soto Mie Bogor.
Soto Tasikmalaya
1 kampung chicken, cut in two parts
1 liter of coconut milk from grated coconut 1
1 stalk spring onion, cut into 1 cm
2 stalks lemongrass, dimemarkan
3 cm galangal, dimemarkan
2 bay leaves
Subtle Seasonings:
1 / 4 teaspoon pepper
2 cloves garlic
2 eggs roasted hazelnut
1 1 / 2 teaspoon salt
How to Make:
1. Boil chicken in coconut milk with spices, bay leaves, lemongrass, and galangal until seasoning is absorbed and chicken is cooked.
2. Remove the chicken and then-Suir Suir. Serve hot with a sprinkling of green onion.
Serves 6
Soto Grombyang (Pemalang)
Brisket 500 grams of meat, cut kotak2 cm
50 grams of coconut and a half old, peeled and grated coarse
3 tablespoons taoco
2 bay leaves
3 stalks lemongrass, dimemarkan
1500 ml
5 tablespoons fried onions
6 red onions
3 cloves garlic
4 kluwek meat and fruit
1 tablespoon + 2 teaspoons salt
3 teaspoons brown sugar
1. Toasted shredded coconut until browned, set aside.
2. Boil the meat, taoco, bay leaf, lemongrass, toasted coconut, and spices.
3. Cook until seasoning is absorbed and meat is tender.
4. Serve with fried onions.
Serves 6
Soto Mahakam (Samarinda)
A village chickens
3500 ml broth
1 stalk celery, tied
5 onions, thinly sliced
1 cm cinnamon
3 grains of cloves
1 / 8 teaspoon nutmeg powder
2 cm ginger, dimemarkan
5 cm in sugarcane
2 tablespoons salt
2 tablespoons soy sauce
10 onions
5 cloves garlic
150 grams of roasted peanuts
Potato cakes
Green onions, sliced finely
Celery, chopped fine
Boiled eggs, chopped
Soun, soaked
Orange juice, water taken
Fried onions
Boil chicken, broth, celery, red onion slices until the chicken is cooked.
Lift ago Suwir, Suwir. Boil again and enter the broth, cinnamon, cloves, nutmeg, ginger and salt tebu.Bubuhkan. Stir-fry ground spices until cooked. Pour in the boiling broth. Add hot sauce to complement manis.Sajikan. Serves 6
Ingredients: 1 chicken
2 stalks lemongrass, crushed
4 kaffir lime leaves
1.5 liter water
2 tsp salt
50 grams of shrimp, fried, mashed
2 spring onions, puree
Spice puree:
6 cloves garlic
2 cm turmeric
1 / 2 tsp powdered galangal
1 cm ginger
2 tsp pepper powder
5 grains of roasted hazelnut
200 grams of Soun, pour boiling water into the boiling water, drained
3 leeks
3 stalks celery
5 para egg, boiled, cut lengthwise
Fried onions
Chili sauce
Sweet soy sauce to taste
Chilli puree: 15 cayenne pepper, boiled
Secukupnyam salt seasonings to taste
1. Braised chicken with lemongrass, lime leaves, and salt until soft.
2. Drain the chicken, then fried until golden-Suwir Suwir.
3. Stir-fry ground spices until fragrant, then add to the broth.
4. Saute the onion finely and mix with shrimp briefly until fragrant, add to the gravy.
5. Serve the soup in a way: put chicken meat, Soun, leaves, egg, into the bowl. Pour the sauce. Give lime juice. Sprinkle with fried onions and koyah.
How to make koyah:
Prawn crackers mixed with fried garlic, then mashed and added with a little salt and sugar and seasonings to taste
Soto Mie Jakarta
kikil (or meat tetelan)
Wet noodle
Cabbage, thinly sliced
Risol, cut into medium
tomato, thinly sliced
celery leaves, finely sliced
chilli pepper
Seasoning sauce:
2 candlenut
2 cloves garlic
4 spring onions
thin slice of ginger, keprek
1 sheet lemongrass
How to make gravy:
1. Boil kikil (tetelan meat) with water until meat is tender.
2. Pepper puree, walnut, garlic and shallots.
3. Stir-fry ground spices until fragrant, put ginger and lemongrass.
4. Enter into the stew stir-fry seasoning tetelan (meat), cook until boiling.
How to make risol:
1. Soak vermicelli in hot water until soft, drain and set aside.
2. Puree the garlic and pepper, stir-fry until fragrant.
3. Enter the noodles, put salt to taste, stir until wilted vermicelli. Lift.
4. Prepare the spring roll skin.
5. Give vermicelli spring rolls and rolls of skin.
6. Fry until golden.
How to make chili sauce:
1. Boil cayenne pepper until wilted.
2. Coarse grind.
3. Give water and lime juice.
1. Arrange the noodle, cabbage, and tomato risol.
2. Pour the sauce plus the meat.
3. Sprinkle the celery leaves and berries chili pepper.
Kamis, 12 Februari 2009
Food Khas Cirebon
Hmmm actually want already long blog post but keep forgetting nech hehe .. some time ago while on holiday from college and also happened to coincide with the holiday Eid ul adha. I decided to return home to the birthplace, the town of Cirebon. Well if I've samapai in cirebon ga namannya never missed a meal, special food cirebon city. The most I like is Empal Gentong, Lengko Rice, Rice Jambul, etc. Docang. that only a small portion of food typical of prawn. I almost NEVER miss Makanan2 the same. if the roads all together teman2 and culinary tours in cirebon.berikut I will describe what kind of food that has Seh I mentioned above? let who read this blog and a column knows that food can imagine it, too.
1. Jambul rice:
Cirebon typical rice is presented in teak leaves with various side dishes such as lung, meat, tempeh, tofu, squid, etc. as well as typical sambal cirebon. Can diproleh throughout the city of Cirebon. The trafficker is very unique because it uses a low table that held a wide variety of foods and is surrounded by a bench to sit on the buyer.
Presentation mode, the vendor offered rice wrapped in teak leaves and then took his own buyers who want to eat side dishes. Payment of any unique, because it relies on honesty of the buyer because the buyer mentioned what he ate.
Jambul rice sellers in the city of Cirebon spread enough apart that they are open 24 hours. Gunung Sari region is an area that quite a lot of this population Jambul rice seller. Jambul rice sellers in Cirebon is famous Nasi Mang Dul Jambul, located in Gunung Sari (near the red light onto the road Tuparev).
2. Empal Gentong:
Foods like soup is thick and bersantan berkuah and filled with meat is really delicious .... Ordinary eaten with rice, or rice cake. Typical is the place where to put this gravy empal residing in a barrel while the barrel empal hence called empal are pieces of meat.
How to cook a traditional still because they still rely on firewood. Empal sauce is very spicy because the barrel is the quintessence of dried red chillies pounded future. For those not familiar, try to be careful because if the stomach is not strong then the event can be inhibited eating :-).
Looking for traders empal barrel now rather difficult because they usually use a cart to push their sales. Traders who ngetop empal barrel in Cirebon is Mang Darma who hung on Jl. Slamet Riyadi, Darma Mang empal barrel can also be found in places such as in Pujagalana Cirebon, Cirebon Railway Station or at Grage Mall are all managed by his children. In Jakarta, Mang Darma Empal barrel can be found in the area of Bintaro.
3. Know gejrot:
Foods such as tofu cut into small pieces placed on a small plate made from clay and then served with spice brown sugar, chili pepper and red onion and garlic are pulverized. Kind of knew that is used is a sort of knew Sumedang but a bit different because it is much less so it looks empty. Any unique way of eating that is pierced with a biting (discounts lidi). Why given the name to know gejrot? Because herbs are used as a flavoring liquid flowed through the bottle in a way so that the resulting sound shaken "gejrot" repeatedly.
The traders know this gejrot pole normally use for sellers of men to carry his wares. Or use the winnowing promoted above her head to the seller.
The traders know gejrot very easily found around the town of Cirebon, because including snacks that are quite popular.
4. Docang:
Lontong combined with cassava leaf, bean sprouts, a sprinkling of grated coconut and crackers eaten with sauce made from herbs or Dage Oncom 'to call people of Cirebon. Food is another version of the family vegetable rice cake soup seasoning Oncom but used to give a sense of its own
Docang forage is rather easily found in a residential area or in the market because it is simple enough to produce.
5. Rice Lengko:
Lengko rice is rice that is easy enough for anyone made of simple ingredients such as white rice, tofu, tempeh, cucumber bean sprouts, and leaves Garlic chives (celery). Then sprinkled with fried onions and spices poured and soy beans. Even better eaten accompanied by crackers.
Rice traders Lengko quite spread around the town of Cirebon, because eating is a simple addition is also affordable for the community. Rice Lengko decent seller selling and buyers crowded one of them is on Jl. Pagongan. H.'s Warung Barno was already 11 years standing and is open daily from 6 am until 9 pm.
6. Mie Koclok:
Yellow noodles served with sprouts, cabbage, shredded chicken meat, eggs and doused with coconut milk sauce. Served hot-hot for kala unpleasant if eaten cold. Beside the road near railroad tracks Lawanggada, noodle seller who did not lose favor koclok located in Kasepuhan, which is not far from the square-alunnya.
Recommendation food places in Cirebon:
1. Sindang chicken, fried chicken Pujagalana area (near the market Kanoman)
2. Ayam Bakar Alas Demat (formerly Pagongan chicken) on the road
3. Maxim's Restaurant-Chinese Foods
4. Fried Chicken, across from the Maxim's Restaurant
5. Sprott candied near Market Kanoman
6. Pujagalana across Yogya Supermarket
7. Traditional wet cakes, Kanoman Market
8. Morning Market, souvenirs typical central Cirebon
9. Murtabak Pak Udin, not far from the movie Eternal (Hero side)
as long as I live in nearly four years depok This column never find cirebon typical foods, and whether it is in the region column jakartanya also been finding the food. so make that know where the food is a case in the above please explain love alamtnya tau yach .. particularly in the area JABODETABEK Gaza. so klo ga again miss the food must return home before hehe.
Tags: cirebon cuisine, special food cirebon in jakarta, DOCANG kinds of sambal, food cirebon cash, a song that used brandon Indonesia looking for talent, cirebon food, snacks cirebon, unique food, tours in cirbon, Makanan2 from cirebon areas, food cirebon culinary, cuisine cirebon cash, Bintaro unique food, music cirebon distinctive area, Kanoman market, a good recommendation empal barrel in jakarta, bread, traditional bread cirebon, know gejrot, places to eat empal cirebon barrel, nice places to eat in cirebon, Travel Culinary CIREBON, persian cuisine, cuisine of Cirebon city, village, chicken, dining cirebon, empal barrel in cirebon, mas darma Bintaro empal barrel, a song that used IMB brandon, brandon song spent all sorts of typical regional food, paper-kind kinds of typical foods and ways of making, food cirebon blogspot, food cirbon cash, cash food cirbon town, typical small food cirebon, fried chicken base demang cirebon, special food cirebon rice, culinary tours in cirebon
1. Jambul rice:
Cirebon typical rice is presented in teak leaves with various side dishes such as lung, meat, tempeh, tofu, squid, etc. as well as typical sambal cirebon. Can diproleh throughout the city of Cirebon. The trafficker is very unique because it uses a low table that held a wide variety of foods and is surrounded by a bench to sit on the buyer.
Presentation mode, the vendor offered rice wrapped in teak leaves and then took his own buyers who want to eat side dishes. Payment of any unique, because it relies on honesty of the buyer because the buyer mentioned what he ate.
Jambul rice sellers in the city of Cirebon spread enough apart that they are open 24 hours. Gunung Sari region is an area that quite a lot of this population Jambul rice seller. Jambul rice sellers in Cirebon is famous Nasi Mang Dul Jambul, located in Gunung Sari (near the red light onto the road Tuparev).
2. Empal Gentong:
Foods like soup is thick and bersantan berkuah and filled with meat is really delicious .... Ordinary eaten with rice, or rice cake. Typical is the place where to put this gravy empal residing in a barrel while the barrel empal hence called empal are pieces of meat.
How to cook a traditional still because they still rely on firewood. Empal sauce is very spicy because the barrel is the quintessence of dried red chillies pounded future. For those not familiar, try to be careful because if the stomach is not strong then the event can be inhibited eating :-).
Looking for traders empal barrel now rather difficult because they usually use a cart to push their sales. Traders who ngetop empal barrel in Cirebon is Mang Darma who hung on Jl. Slamet Riyadi, Darma Mang empal barrel can also be found in places such as in Pujagalana Cirebon, Cirebon Railway Station or at Grage Mall are all managed by his children. In Jakarta, Mang Darma Empal barrel can be found in the area of Bintaro.
3. Know gejrot:
Foods such as tofu cut into small pieces placed on a small plate made from clay and then served with spice brown sugar, chili pepper and red onion and garlic are pulverized. Kind of knew that is used is a sort of knew Sumedang but a bit different because it is much less so it looks empty. Any unique way of eating that is pierced with a biting (discounts lidi). Why given the name to know gejrot? Because herbs are used as a flavoring liquid flowed through the bottle in a way so that the resulting sound shaken "gejrot" repeatedly.
The traders know this gejrot pole normally use for sellers of men to carry his wares. Or use the winnowing promoted above her head to the seller.
The traders know gejrot very easily found around the town of Cirebon, because including snacks that are quite popular.
4. Docang:
Lontong combined with cassava leaf, bean sprouts, a sprinkling of grated coconut and crackers eaten with sauce made from herbs or Dage Oncom 'to call people of Cirebon. Food is another version of the family vegetable rice cake soup seasoning Oncom but used to give a sense of its own
Docang forage is rather easily found in a residential area or in the market because it is simple enough to produce.
5. Rice Lengko:
Lengko rice is rice that is easy enough for anyone made of simple ingredients such as white rice, tofu, tempeh, cucumber bean sprouts, and leaves Garlic chives (celery). Then sprinkled with fried onions and spices poured and soy beans. Even better eaten accompanied by crackers.
Rice traders Lengko quite spread around the town of Cirebon, because eating is a simple addition is also affordable for the community. Rice Lengko decent seller selling and buyers crowded one of them is on Jl. Pagongan. H.'s Warung Barno was already 11 years standing and is open daily from 6 am until 9 pm.
6. Mie Koclok:
Yellow noodles served with sprouts, cabbage, shredded chicken meat, eggs and doused with coconut milk sauce. Served hot-hot for kala unpleasant if eaten cold. Beside the road near railroad tracks Lawanggada, noodle seller who did not lose favor koclok located in Kasepuhan, which is not far from the square-alunnya.
Recommendation food places in Cirebon:
1. Sindang chicken, fried chicken Pujagalana area (near the market Kanoman)
2. Ayam Bakar Alas Demat (formerly Pagongan chicken) on the road
3. Maxim's Restaurant-Chinese Foods
4. Fried Chicken, across from the Maxim's Restaurant
5. Sprott candied near Market Kanoman
6. Pujagalana across Yogya Supermarket
7. Traditional wet cakes, Kanoman Market
8. Morning Market, souvenirs typical central Cirebon
9. Murtabak Pak Udin, not far from the movie Eternal (Hero side)
as long as I live in nearly four years depok This column never find cirebon typical foods, and whether it is in the region column jakartanya also been finding the food. so make that know where the food is a case in the above please explain love alamtnya tau yach .. particularly in the area JABODETABEK Gaza. so klo ga again miss the food must return home before hehe.
Tags: cirebon cuisine, special food cirebon in jakarta, DOCANG kinds of sambal, food cirebon cash, a song that used brandon Indonesia looking for talent, cirebon food, snacks cirebon, unique food, tours in cirbon, Makanan2 from cirebon areas, food cirebon culinary, cuisine cirebon cash, Bintaro unique food, music cirebon distinctive area, Kanoman market, a good recommendation empal barrel in jakarta, bread, traditional bread cirebon, know gejrot, places to eat empal cirebon barrel, nice places to eat in cirebon, Travel Culinary CIREBON, persian cuisine, cuisine of Cirebon city, village, chicken, dining cirebon, empal barrel in cirebon, mas darma Bintaro empal barrel, a song that used IMB brandon, brandon song spent all sorts of typical regional food, paper-kind kinds of typical foods and ways of making, food cirebon blogspot, food cirbon cash, cash food cirbon town, typical small food cirebon, fried chicken base demang cirebon, special food cirebon rice, culinary tours in cirebon
Rabu, 11 Februari 2009
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Birthday, Bazzar, Reunion, Farewell, Party, Celebration etc.
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Allow bertanya2 first.
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