One of the typical food of Surabaya is Lontong Racing! Why called Lontong Racing? Lontong necessarily obvious, is cooked with rice wrapped in leaves, so that when cooked in a state of aggregation, according to the shape of the leaf bundle. And what about race? What lontongnya always racing and racing (races)?
Indeed there is no definite historical evidence about the origin of why one of the Surabaya special food is called Lontong Racing. But there's a story circulating in the indigenous town of Surabaya on the origins of the name. Before named like that, racing lontong sold using pole, vegetable seedling is inserted in a large pot of soil. Pot soil borne in front and behind (two pieces). Because kualinya large and heavy, people automatically assume when run will try to walk fast to fast until the destination. Because running quickly and in a hurry as impressed as race (races), until such munculah Racing Lontong name. Although in these days, the seller Lontong Racing had not used the pole again, the name Lontong Racing has become a trademark of one of the Surabaya cuisine.
Racing Lontong contains a portion of rice cake, tofu and fried sliced lentho small. Lentho it was some kind of blended from cassava cakes and Tolo nuts. Then add bean sprouts (bean sprouts) in a rather large portion, tasty sauce and washed down with a sharp garlic-scented. And then sprinkled with fried shallots which is certainly making Lontong Racing becomes more tempting, is the final touch of chilli paste. Usually served with Satay Lontong Racing Shells and Es Degan (young coconut).
There are many sellers Lontong Racing in Singapore, but there are two places are quite famous for the delicacy of his Lontong Racing. The first is the seller Lontong Kepanjen road racing in the area, right around in front of SMPN2 Surabaya. It is said that the seller Lontong Racing here has handed down from the 1970s. And the second is Fat Pak Lontong Racing can be found in the area Kranggan road, quite a lot of customers. Reportedly even artists such as Ahmad Dhani and Andra, if returned to Surabaya always taking the time to enjoy the racing Lontong Mr. Fat.
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